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Portal announcements
Updated over 3 years ago

Portal announcements allow you to broadcast information in the portal that the project team who have access to the portal view can view.

Why use portal announcements?

Portal announcements are a good way to keep the project team, who will most likely include your clients on project-related information, ie ‘Project on hold from 30/4 to 6/6. Andrew Taylor will email further information today”. Remember, it goes out to everyone so don’t post internal stuff like ‘Submit your expense before COB Friday”.

When an announcement is posted, external users (portal contacts) will not see the names of other external users.

Searching for an announcement:

The search retrieves results for everything in the portal.

Unfollow an announcement:

In the ellipsis menu, you can unfollow an announcement with lots of activity.

Example: You might not want to A project manager posted about who is attending the groundbreaking ceremony.

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