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Staff Register

Everything you need to know about the Staff Register

Updated over a week ago

Synergy includes a number of basic HR features to help you manage your staff data. These features are greatly extended by the Synergy HR Add-on.

The Staff menu has some pages that are available to staff and others that are private HR information and is only visible to senior staff. This setting is set by default to Director level access and is configurable in the Synergy security matrix.

Shared Information

Shared information items are designed to help everyone in your organisation to work better together. The communal pages for your organisation are:

  • Staff Details - General information about a staff member including name, roll,e office, team, security access level, work email and phone numbers, custom fields

  • Projects - All projects that the specific staff member is assigned as a contact

Personal Information

Personal information items are designed for private HR details that are restricted to either users or Director level staff and above.

  • Temporary files - Any reports generated by you as a user are available in this folder. Only you and Director level staff and above can view these temporary files.

  • Personal details - A designated place for personal information such as your personal phone number and home address.

  • Calendar - set when the staff member works by selecting the days of the week, and the number of working hours per day.

  • Notes - view any notes entered against the staff record, and open the notes to add comments about the task.

  • Documents - upload any documents, images, or files that relate to this staff record.

Financial information

  • Rates - Assign rates for the staff member to use when entering timesheets.

  • Overtime rates - Assign additional rates for items of work such as overtime.

  • Cost - set the staff costs or salary/wage details. These costs are used when calculating project profitability.

  • Audit - view who has updated this staff record, with a list of what changes were made and when the changes were saved.

Actions available on the staff register

Add staff

Setup a staff record to allow login access to your Synergy organization. A login is required for the staff member to be able to enter timesheets. Staff records require cost or salary details to be entered for use with the project profitability reporting.

Setup the staff account by:

  1. Click Add.

  2. Type the first and last name of the staff member.

  3. Select a security access level.

  4. Choose who the staff member reports to.

  5. Type the email address that the staff members Synergy login invitation will be sent to.

  6. (Optional) Enter any other required staff information such as: job title, alternate phone numbers, social accounts, additional email addresses, and street and postal addresses.

  7. Calendar - Enter the required working hours per day for this staff member. This controls how many hours are expected to be entered in their timesheets per day.

  8. Select the start date to control when the staff member can access your Synergy organization.

  9. Select staff type and costs. Learn more about these options in the staff costs topic.

  10. Choose the primary rate that this staff member will use for timesheet entry.

  11. Save.

Change the list view (columns)

Use the list views to alter which columns are shown in the list for staff records. Select the word 'default' in the top left corner to see the available views. The staff name is shown in all the views.

The standard views are:

  1. Default - the view shown staff list with the staff name, email address, job title, unique id, and security access level.

  2. Phones - the business phone, work phone, mobile phone numbers. Social account details for twitter, linked in and Skype.

  3. Emails - the work or personnel emails that have been entered on the staff record.

  4. Addresses - the work, postal home, or other address from the staff record.

  5. Tags - the tags that have been assigned to staff.


Use the search or filter options to limit the number of staff records shown in the list.

  1. Clicking the search button.

  2. Type a keyword into the search box.

  3. Click the search button to view the results.

  4. Return to seeing all items in the list by clicking the clear button in the search bar.

Tip: Learn more about searching using the global search.


Filter the list by selecting the search button. Use one or more of the filter options to restrict what data is shown in the list. Click the search button to apply the filter.

The filter options are:

  • Access level - view all the staff with a specific access level: User, Assistant Project Manager, Project Manager, Director Access, System Administrator, or access Not Allowed.

  • Salary type - view only staff that have a specific salary type. if using the Professional only the 'set cost' option is available. When using Business or Enterprise products additional options for casual, contractor, part time, salary, and wages are available.

  • Tags - type one or more tags to search for staff records that contain that extra data as a tag.

  • Active - by default only active staff records are shown. Use the inactive or all options to see terminated staff records which are set as not active.

Tip: Return to viewing all results by clicking the clear button in the search bar.

Change staff to be inactive

Make a staff record 'inactive' to stop the record showing in drop-down lists in Synergy. Change a staff to be inactive as it cannot be deleted as it is already linked to projects or time/expense transactions in Synergy.

  1. Go to: staff list and:
    1a. Select the check box(es) on the row left for each item you want to mark as inactive.
    1b. Click the multiple rows action button and choose 'set as not active'.

  2. The list refreshes and the item(s) have been hidden from the default list view.


  • Use the list filter 'all' to find both active and inactive staff.

  • A strike-out style is applied to rows that are inactive.

  • If you select to make the staff record as 'inactive' in the staff list, then the record will have an 'end date' of yesterday's date entered. This will terminate the staff record and stop it from being used in Synergy today.

Columns available

  1. Name - The first and last name of the staff member. These are mandatory fields.

  2. Primary email - The primary email (1) entered against the staff record. This is their main work email address. This is a mandatory field.

  3. Job title - The position or job title for the staff member at your organization.

  4. Reports to - The manager that the staff member reports to is shown.

  5. Primary rate - The primary or default rates for timesheet entry for the staff member.

  6. Unique ID - The unique ID number used as an optional field in the Accounting add-ons interface to send data to your accounting package.

  7. Start date - View the date that the staff member started working for your organization.

  8. Security - The access level given to the staff member that controls which functions they can use. To learn more about what functions each staff member can open, view the security matrix topic.

  9. Phone - The main contact phone number to be used for the staff member.

  10. Mobile - The mobile phone or cell phone number to be used for the staff member.

  11. Work - The office main number or direct dial number for the staff member.

  12. Other - Any extra phone numbers stored against a staff record.

  13. Twitter - The Twitter handle or user name that this staff member uses.

  14. Linked In - The linked in address for the staff members profile.

  15. Skype name - The Skype user name that this staff member uses for making business calls.

  16. Emails 1 to 4 - All the email addresses entered against a staff record can be seen in the email view. Each staff record allows for up to four email addresses to be added.

  17. Addresses - Use the addresses view to see the Work, Postal, Home, or Other address type entered for each staff member.

  18. Tags - View the tags that have been entered against a staff member. Tags are extra data that can be entered against a record to make it easy to search for in a list, or in reports.

Tip: Click on a column heading to sort the list in ascending or descending order.

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