Viewing emails in Synergy
Updated over a week ago

Emails are saved to Synergy project folders as threads, keeping all the email messages saved with the same 'email ID / subject' grouped together within the project. How this works is:

  1. Bob Jones saves an email to the project folder with the subject ' Update on apartment construction - 26/06/2018'.

  2. Sally Smith saves a later reply to the same email thread that has the same subject line into the same project.

  3. Bob Jones also saves the same later email reply that Sally saved to the project.

In the example above both email 1 and 2 above are grouped together into a thread when:

  • Saved to the same project name.

  • The subject and message ID are the same in the email chain in Outlook.

The email is only saved as one row into to the project folder for all three items above:

  • The first email saved by Bob is version 1 in the email thread in the project folder.

  • The second email from Sally is saved as Version 2 of the same email thread.

  • The third email save from Bob is seen as a duplicate of the item already saved by Sally (based on message ID), and is ignored and not saved as the file already exists as version 2.

When new emails are added to the 'email thread' in Synergy they are saved as new versions of the email message. In the example image below this email has multiple versions saved within the email thread, and there are attachments included in the email versions. There is only one row for all these files in the project folder, as they are saved grouped together as a thread.

In the project folder click the email row to:

  • Preview the current version message

  • Read the details of the previous versions in this email thread

  • Download attachments

  • Download email versions

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