Proposal documents
Updated over a week ago

What is a proposal document?

Create a proposal document to send a summary of the project details to the prospective client. In the proposal template you can select what project overview details are shown, along with the project or stage level fee breakdown, and the for Business and Enterprise clients the budget breakdown details can also be shown. A proposal document is created when the project or stage(s) are at proposal or active status.

Re-create the proposal document to update the bookmarks in the proposal document, and keep the existing updated text around the bookmarks. E.g. Use this is to update the schedule of fees showing in the fee proposal, after you have altered the fees in the work breakdown structure without having to create the entire document again from scratch.

Why use a proposal document?

Send a quote that outlines all the parts of the project or job that are to be completed with the proposed fees for the prospective client.

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