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How to convert a past invoice into an invoice template
How to convert a past invoice into an invoice template

Create a personalised invoice document template

Updated over 2 months ago

Edition: Professional, Business, Enterprise

User-level: System Administrator

Previous steps: How to create an invoice

Convert a previous invoice into an invoice template to raise future invoices with.

The process below is best performed in Synergy and in Word. A majority of the editing and formatting of your invoice template is completed within Microsoft Word.

On your computer

1. Open your past invoice in Microsoft Word, and remove all invoice figures from the document and save a copy to your computer.

​In Synergy

Go to Organisation > Settings > Templates > Documents.

Decide which of the sample invoice templates best fits your existing invoice layout. Select the pencil in the top right hand corner of the preview.

You are now located in the 'Edit template' area. Towards the centre of this page, click on the 'upload edited file' button and navigate to the past invoice that was just edited.

Synergy will return with a warning, listing several bookmarks. Ignore and press 'OK' Save your template.

Click on the 'Select bookmarks' button to bring up a list of placeholders that can be used on your invoice template. Add or remove the bookmarks you need from this area.

When you have selected your bookmarks, Save.

Click the 'Download file' button.

​On your computer

The downloaded file will open in Word, all bookmarks in Synergy previously will appear at the bottom of the screen

Enable Bookmarks

Microsoft Word, go to File > Options > Advanced

Scroll down to 'Show document content' > enable 'Show bookmarks'.

The 'Show bookmarks' setting will allow you to see additional grey brackets '[' ']' that mark the start and end of Synergy bookmarks.

Position the bookmarks in the desired location on the invoice template. Make sure to cut and paste both brackets and all text in between the brackets. Do not edit or remove the text in between the grey brackets.

Highlight the bookmark > right click > cut.

Right click in the position you want the bookmark > Paste options > Keep source formatting.

When you're ready, save the Word file > Upload edited file to Synergy > Save.

You can preview the invoice template on the right hand of the screen.

You have now created a personalised invoice template in Synergy


  • Create a copy of the Synergy sample invoice template. This makes it easier to roll back all changes made to a document if you're unhappy with the results.

  • Make sure the bookmarks do not touch! As soon as the Synergy bookmarks touch, they break. Undoing the action will not fix the bookmark. Enable formatting marks to show you spaces and paragraph marks to assist with formatting your layout.

  • Make small incremental changes and upload to Synergy to preview.
    Preview is available in the the 'Edit template' page.

  • Do not add additional characters or spaces between the bookmarks.

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