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Drafting a Credit Note

How to create a draft credit note before finalising it

Updated this week

Edition: Professional, Business, Enterprise

User-level: Project manager and above

When creating a credit note, you can opt to save it as a draft version before finalising it, allowing you to come back and continue working on it before you save the final version. This is available for discount and write-off credits.

If an invoice has a draft credit note on it, an orange banner is shown at the top of the page.

How to create a draft credit note

  1. Open the Project Menu > Financials > Invoices.

  2. Click the invoice for which you want to create the credit note.

  3. Click the page actions button (grey ellipses at the top right) and select the 'Credit or Cancel Invoice' option.

  4. Select the 'credit note' option. This will create a Draft Credit document.

  5. Enter the following general (optional) credit note details:
    ​Reason (Credit note text) - type a reason to explain why this credit note is being created. This can be printed on a credit note document.
    ​Prefix and number - select an alternate credit note number prefix, or leave it as default (the next available number in the sequence).
    ​Credit date - set the date for the credit note document. The default date will be the date of the invoice.

  6. In the stages table create the credit note value by entering either the percentage or dollar value that you want to credit (ex tax) for each of the stages.

  7. Check that value for the credit note is correct in the totals section.

  8. If you need to save this to come back later, click Save Draft at the top right.

Actions available for a draft credit note are:

  • View and finalize - click this option to open the draft credit note to check the details. If the details are correct click the arrow options to the right of the save button and select the 'save and finalize' option.

  • Delete - remove the draft credit note by clicking the word 'delete' in the orange banner in the open invoice, or in the open credit note click the page actions button and choose the 'delete credit note' option. Only draft status credit notes can be deleted.


Cancel credit notes cannot be saved as a draft. Cancel credits must be finalized or canceled.

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