Edition: Professional, Business, Enterprise
User-level: User, Assistant project manager, Project manager, Director, Assistant administrator, System administrator
Previous steps: Timesheet overview
Site inspection rates are a flat rate fee for each site visit or inspection. Staff enter the exact number of hours they spent at the site visit in their timesheets, but the client is charged the flat fee for each date that the visit is entered in the staff timesheet using the site inspection rate.
1. Go to Organisation > Timesheets
2.Choose the project you're working on from the project drop-down menu. Choose the stage and task.
3.Select an inspection rate using the 'Rate (Overtime)' column. Click Close.
4.Enter the time worked against this task under the day of the week.
5. Add a note in the text box under the time spent if required.
6. Save.
Regardless of the hours entered, the chargeable value will be the value of the inspection rate
Where to next?
What other features does this relate to?