Edition: Business, Enterprise
User-level: Assistant PM and above.
All projects can be set up to include phases, stages, and tasks to provide an overview of Phases of each project, Stages of work that are required, and the Tasks that are to be undertaken to complete each stage.
To add a phase:
Click on the ellipsis and select 'Enable phases'.
You will see the stage rows are now indented to the right and under the phase you enabled.Click on the phase name to change it.
You can add additional phases by clicking on the '+' icon on any phase row you have created.
Type in the phase name and click Add.
This will create the new phase under your last stage.
You will then need to reorder your stages and tasks if you need to move them under the phase you just created.
When disabling phases, all but the first phase need to be deleted first. To do this you need to move the stages out of those phases and put into the first phase, then you'll get the option to disable phases.
To add a stage:
To add a stage click, hover over a phase or stage and click on the '+' icon.
Type in the stage name and click Add.
This will add a stage under the last stage grouped within this phase.
To add a task:
To add a task to a stage, hover over any stage and click on the '+' icon.
Type in the task name and click Add. This will add a task under this stage.
To delete a Phase, Stage or Task:
Phases need to be empty to be deleted.
Stages need to have no WIP or Invoices allocated to them.
On the right hand side of all phases, stages and tasks a red 'x' will appear.
Click the 'x' to delete the phase, stage or task.