Edition: Enterprise
User-level: Project Manager, Director, Assistant Administrator and System Administrator
Use Stage Management to better manage daily operations within Synergy more efficiently. This article will enable our users to add and manage stages/phases, plus adjust the page's display to suit your liking.
Getting to Stage Management
Organisation menu > projects
Open the project you want to edit
Project menu > Plan > Stage Management:
Add phases/stages in Stage Management
Click 'Add stage' at the top right of the page:
Enter the following fields accordingly:
Stage name
Cost centre
Rate group
Fee Type
Tax rule
Client reference number
Note: For custom fields and full stage detail inputs, please use the Work breakdown.
Click 'Save' once complete.
Actions available
To make changes to stage or phases click the row action icon at the far right of the table, indicated by an ellipses icon:
The icon shows upon hovering your cursor over the row.
The options available for stages are:
Edit details - opens the details for that stage.
Duplicate stage - creates a new stage from an existing stage, copying the phase, status, manager, discipline, cost centre, rate group, fee type, tax rule, and fee from the original selected stage.
View financials - opens the Project financials page, filtered to show that stage
View transactions - opens the project transactions list, filtered to show that stage only.
Invoice stage - creates a new draft invoice, with that stage automatically selected
Delete stage - deletes the stage.
βNote: A stage can only be deleted if it has a status of Proposal and has no transactions, invoices or budget lines against it and unable to delete a phase from Stage Management
The options available for phases are:
Edit details - opens the details for that phase
Duplicate phase - starts the new phase process, with the Name and Description copied from the original
βNote: Duplicating a phase or stage will only duplicate stage details visible in the modal, and will not duplicate the budget, resourcing or anything else. This is because the feature was designed to allow you to create new stages more efficiently.
Use Stage Management to better phase and stages within a project as a potential preferred alternative to Synergy's existing Work Breakdown and/or Schedule.