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Disciplines Overview

An Overview of Disciplines in Synergy

Updated this week

Edition: Professional, Business, Enterprise

User-level: Assistant administrator and above

Previous steps: N/A

Disciplines are attached to stages in projects and allow for you to report on revenue for different skill sets in your business. A Discipline can be created for different streams of the built environment including Architecture, Interior design, Engineers, etc. which may all need separate revenue reporting.

You can assign a different Discipline to each stage within a project. However, you can only allocate one Discipline per stage. If your organisation doesn't have business units / divisions, then create a single Discipline for use on all the project stages.

The Discipline page can be located under Organisation drop down> Settings > Project lists > Disciplines.

This article will detail the following information around Disciplines:

Creating a Discipline

You can add as many new Disciplines as needed for your business. If you are using a connect add-on (Xero, MYOB etc.) then you will also be able to link the Disciplines to an account code.

To add a Discipline follow the steps below:

  1. Click the 'Add' button in the top right corner.

  2. Fill in the sections for the new discipline:

    1. Code - a short code for the Discipline. e.g. CON for Construction (Required)

    2. Name - a name for the Discipline. e.g. Construction, Construction people (Required)

    3. Account code - If you use an accounting package, type an account code for the Discipline which can be used when syncing data across. (Optional)

    4. Liability account code (Optional)

  3. Check the default box to mark this item as the default discipline for new project stages. (Optional)

  4. Save

Repeat the above steps for each additional Discipline required.

Deleting a Discipline

You can only delete an unused Discipline (it can't have been added to any project or stage at any point). If the Discipline has been used, then it cannot be deleted, and will need to be made inactive to stop future use of the item.

To delete a Discipline:

  1. Click the row action menu.

  2. Select 'delete'.

Marking a Discipline as inactive

If you have already used a Discipline but it is no longer needed for your organisation then you can mark it as inactive. This will keep the Discipline in your organisation but remove it from the main active list and from being used against stages.

To mark a Discipline as not active:

  1. Click the edit icon for the discipline

  2. Deselect the checkbox in the Active column

  3. Click the green tick to apply the change

Refresh the list and only the active items will remain in the list.

Editing a Discipline

You can update an existing Discipline to change the account code or name shown.

To edit the Discipline:

  1. Click the edit icon for the discipline

    The row will now be editable.

  2. Make the changes you need, and click the green tick icon to apply them

NOTE: Changing a discipline details will not update those details for existing finalised invoices. Once an invoice has been finalised, those details will be retained. Any new invoices will adopt the current discipline details.

Search and filter Disciplines


When many items exist, use the search or filter options to limit the number of rows shown in the list.

To Search:

  1. Click the magnifying glass (search button) and type the keyword into the search box, then press Enter

  2. To see the whole list, clear your search and press Enter.


Filter the list by selecting the filter button . See the available filters by clicking the word 'active'. Select a filter from the list and click the 'apply filter' button to apply the filter. The filter options are:

  • Active - the default list filter that shows the items that can be used (seen in drop down lists).

  • Inactive - see the items that can no longer be used, and are only shown when still linked to existing records.

  • All - see both active and inactive items in the list.

Account Codes

If you are using an accounting package and running a connect sync through Synergy then you will need to make sure that the code is filled in. The account code is used to map the Synergy data to the account that stores your invoice or expense data in the accounting system.

Where to next?

What other features does this relate to?

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