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Getting Started
All of the knowledge you need to know to get started in Synergy.
101 articles
System Administrator GuideHow to use Synergy
Adding or Editing Office DetailsHow to set up office details
Using Custom FontsHow to use custom fonts for document templates
Using Custom Project StatusesHow to use project custom statuses.
Custom Fields OverviewCreating and Using Custom Fields
Project Numbers OverviewSetting up and editing project numbers
Invoice Numbers OverviewHow to set up your invoice number prefixes
NotificationsHow to view notifications.
Credit Note Numbers OverviewHow to set up your credit number prefixes
Changing Your LogoHow to change your company's Synergy(app), invoice, document, and report logo in Synergy.
Custom Security Access LevelsHow to create custom Security Access Levels.
Payment application number set up
Save and Load FilteringHow to create, save and load filters across Synergy
Total Synergy SupportHow to contact us, how Support works, and who you're talking to on the other end of the screen.
Submitting Ideas in the Feedback ForumContributing to Total Synergy with your ideas.
GDPR - Data Protection GuideEverything you need to know
Synergy Cloud ArchitectureEverything you need to know about Security, Network and Browser requirements and more.
Product Edition FeaturesAvailable modules by subscription
Updating Your User ProfileHow to get to your Synergy Profile to update profile image, contact details, and link email address.
Changing Product EditionsHow to upgrade/downgrade/switch product levels of Synergy
What Happens When Payment Fails?What to do if your payment doesn't go through
Updating Credit Card DetailsHow to change your credit card stored in Synergy
Subscription ManagementHow to manage your subscription, enable Add-Ons, purchase storage and more!
New Starter's GuideUse this article to learn the basics of Synergy as a new starter in your Organisation.
Account OwnerEverything you need to know about being your Synergy account owner
What is Synergy?An Overview of what Synergy is, who it is for, and what it can do for your organisation.
Navigating SynergyA quick guide to help you find your way around Synergy
Email NotificationsHow to manage your notifications in Synergy
Redirection ErrorsHow to resolve redirection errors when attempting to access the Sample Organisation
Managing Your Social LoginsHow to manage your social logins from your user profile, including adding or removal of additional email addresses.
Global SearchThis article explains the global search function in Synergy
Subscription PaymentsThis article explains how to manage subscription payments
Organisation ListThis article will explain how to view all of your organisations in Synergy.
Enabling Add-OnsThis article will explain in steps how to enable addons in your Synergy account
Password and Login FAQsReset password, Forgot password, Login
Custom Field Updater OverviewBulk update custom fields in your Synergy organisation
Excel Import with Multi-OfficeUsing Excel Import with Multi-Office
MYOB Contacts ImportHow to import contacts from MYOB into Synergy
QBO Contacts ImportHow to import contacts from QBO into Synergy
Importing Invoice PaymentsImport the payment of Invoices and Bills in bulk.
Only use this payment import if it is not selected in the connect to accounting feature.
Importing Project FinancialsProject Financials are the second of two steps to get your project data up and running in Synergy.
Importing Staff RecordsAdding Staff is the first big step forward, it covers all of the business-relevant information about the people who work for your company.
Importing Projects and Project ContactsProject Details are the first of two steps to get your project data up and running in Synergy, the other is Importing Project Financials.
Importing ContactsContacts include project relevant companies & people. This step creates profiles that must exist before importing project data, like clients
Adding Tables into Document TemplatesHow to add tables into document templates?
Project Folder Templates OverviewWhat are project folder templates
Budgets in Project TemplatesSetting up budgets in your project templates
Project Schedule in Project TemplatesEditing the schedule page of project templates
Email Templates OverviewEmail, Templates
Multi-Office ReportsMulti Office Reports Available
Bookmarks in Multi OfficeHow to use multi office bookmarks for document templates
Filtering by Multi OfficeHow to filter by multi office
Setting up Multi-OfficeEverything you need to know about Multi-Office and setting up multi-office
Staff in Multi OfficeAssigning Staff to Offices
Multi Office and Team BuilderHow to use multi office in team builder
Project Numbering in Multi OfficeHow to use multi-office in custom project, invoice and credit note numbering
Projects in Multi-OfficeAssigning projects to a different office, when you have Multi-Office set up
Using Timers for TimesheetsStarting and using a new timer
Entering Travel ExpensesEnter a travel expense. Entering travel expenses
Entering Cash ExpensesHow to enter cash expenses, including supported file types for receipts.
Entering Time Against the Internal ProjectEnter time against the internal project. Add leave against the internal project.
Entering a TimesheetEnter a timesheet. Use timesheet history. Enter timesheets using timers
Adding an Office ExpenseGuide on creating an office expense
Creating and Disbursing a BillGuide to creating a bill and disbursing it to a project
Crediting an InvoiceHow to credit an invoice, creating a credit
Cancellations and Credits in Foreign CurrenciesHow to cancel or add credit notes to foreign currency invoices
What is Unearned Income?Defining Unearned Income/Unearned Revenue
What Happens When I Activate the Unearned Income Feature?Explaining Unearned Income transactions
How Do I Use the Unearned Income Feature?Enabling Unearned Income
What Does a Typical Unearned Income Transaction Look Like?Unearned income transactions
Can I View My Unearned Income Before Activating the Change?Checking unearned income on projects
How Do I Import Projects from My Accounting System?Setting up unearned income for a new organisation
How Often Should I Assess Unearned Income?Keeping unearned income up to date
Can I Check My Transactions per Account?Reporting on liability accounts for unearned income.
Checking When a Draft Invoice was Last UpdatedChecking stage complete % whilst drafting an invoice
What is the Opening Balance?Defining the opening balance
Can I Credit a Client for Future Work?Can I apply credits before sending an invoice?
Creating Staff DocumentsLearn how to create a staff document from the document templates.
Creating Contact Documents & LettersLearn how to create a Document or Letter for a Contact.
Creating Project Documents Using TemplatesLearn how to create project documents for a specific project, using your document templates.
Project DocumentsEverything you need to know about project documents, the folders and file options.
Rolling Back a Rate ChangeHow to rollback rate changes
Project and Stage specific ratesHow to set up Project and Stage specific rates, and why you might want to.
Standard Cost CalculationsHow are standard costs calculated?
Expense Types and Account codesAn Overview of what Expense Types are in Synergy.
Payment Types OverviewAn Overview of Payment types in Synergy
Setting Up Your Financial ControlsHow to set up your financial controls
Cost Centres OverviewAn Overview of Cost centres in Synergy.
Rates and Rate GroupsCreating and using rates, rate groups, the different types of rates and all the available actions with each.
Disciplines OverviewAn Overview of Disciplines in Synergy
Setting Up Your Default RatesHow to set your default rate group
Standard RatesLearn more about standard rates and their use.
Standard Rate Group FAQThe use of Standard Rates and why you can't delete them.
Adding ContactsA how-to in adding new contacts to your organisation. This includes company, personnel and individual contacts.
Editing ContactsHow to edit a company, personnel or individual contact in Synergy.
Importing Contacts from Your Accounting Software (Xero, MYOB, or QBO)This feature is a fast way to import your contacts directly from your accounting software. But is it the best way for you?
Personnel OverviewPersonnel, Contacts, Add Personnel