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Adding an Office Expense

Guide on creating an office expense

Updated this week

Edition: Professional, Business, Enterprise

User-level: All

Adding a new office expense and applying it to a project.

  1. Go to: Organization drop down > Office expenses.

  2. Start entering a new office expense row on the entry row. This is the top row, shown with the blue plus symbol.

    1. Select the project that the expense is related to. e.g. Internal project for internal tasks, or select the relevant billable or non-billable project from the drop-down list.

    2. Select the stage.

    3. (Optional) Select a project task to link the expense against.

    4. Select the transaction invoice date from the calendar.

    5. Select the rate. This controls the per unit fixed cost for the type of expense. e.g. Printing color A4 - $3 per unit.

    6. Type a note to describe the reason for the expense. This can be shown on the project invoice to the client, and seen by the project team in the transactions tab.

    7. Type the number of units. This is used to calculate the total for the expense. e.g. If 5 x A4 color pages were printed then 5 units are entered here.

  3. Click Save.

This will create an expense transaction against the selected project and stage, using the rate, date, and units entered. This can be viewed after saving from the Transactions screen on the project itself.


If an office expense has been invoiced, you will be able to see the invoice number from this screen in the Invoice column. If it's been written off it will show as W/OFF instead.

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