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Project Transactions Overview

Everything you need to know about Project Transactions page, WIP approvals, transfer, split, and exporting data.

Updated over a week ago

Edition: Professional, Business, Enterprise

User-level: All Users*

Previous steps: How to enter a timesheet

*View Default Permissions for breakdown of permissions per level.

What are project transactions?

A transaction is created for each timesheet, cash expense, travel expense, office expense and bill disbursement line entered against a project.
The project transactions list shows all transactions entered against a project.

Getting to Project Transactions

From the project details screen:

  1. Project menu > Financials > Transactions

Transaction views

The project transactions list has five available views and each view displays different details of the same transactions. Different actions can also be performed depending on the selected view.

Available Views

You can change the view of the Transaction list, by clicking on the 'View: Default' icon at the top right of the screen and then selecting the preferred view from the drop down menu.

Transaction screen - change views


Displays transactions with all status types. Details shown include:

  • WBS number

  • Phase name (where applicable),

  • Stage name,

  • Transaction date

  • Details

  • Rate

  • Task

  • Rate type

  • Status

  • Overtime rate*

  • Units

  • Value total

  • Expense type

  • Paper clip*

  • Note icon*


Displays transactions with a status of WIP. The Value total column is replaced with the WIP value column.

Details shown include:

  • WBS number

  • Stage

  • Date of transaction

  • Details

  • Rate

  • Task

  • Type

  • Status,

  • Units

  • WIP Value

  • Paperclip*

  • Notes icon*


Displays the Invoiced value of transactions.

Units are replaced by Invoiced units. The Notes column is replaced by Invoice number.

Details shown include:

  • WBS number

  • Stage

  • Date of transaction

  • Details

  • Invoiced Rate

  • Task

  • Type

  • Status(invoiced)

  • Invoiced Units

  • Net Invoiced Total Ex Tax

  • Invoiced (Revenue Value)

  • Markup

  • Value Total

  • Invoice Number

Written off

Displays transactions with a status of Written Off. This view has a 'Reason Code' column so you can easily view details of why transactions have been written off.

Details shown include:

  • WBS number

  • Stage

  • Date

  • Details

  • Rate

  • Task

  • Type

  • Status (Written off)

  • Units

  • Value Total

  • Reason Code

Unearned Income

Shows unearned income for each stage with a Fixed Fee or Percent of Contract fee type. This is calculated as invoiced value minus transaction charge value.

Details shown include:

  • WBS number

  • Stage

  • Date

  • Details

  • Rate,

  • Type

  • Status

  • Units

  • Unearned Income


  • 'Standard' displays in the Overtime column when standard time has been selected on timesheets.

  • A paper clip will show if there's been attachment added to the transaction. Click the paperclip to view the attachment.

  • The note icon will display if a note has been added to the transaction, or been applied (ie. prebill balance). Hover over the note icon to view the note.

Transaction Statuses

Each transaction in Synergy has a status:

  • WIP - Work in Progress (WIP). The transaction has been submitted and is ready for invoicing.

    • If you have Timesheet Approvals on, you see:

      • WIP (Approved)

      • WIP (Unapproved)

      • WIP (Auto-approved)

  • Invoiced - The transaction is attached to a finalised invoice and cannot be edited.

  • Written off - The transaction value has been written off, and cannot be included on client invoices. Transactions can be written off manually in the transactions tab of the project. Any transactions entered against a stage with a 'No billing' fee type or against the Internal project are automatically written off. Any residual WIP transactions are written off when a stage status is changed to Complete or Unsuccessful.

  • Draft invoice - The transaction is attached to a draft invoice. Transactions attached to a draft invoice cannot be modified unless the draft is cancelled.

Transaction Column Definitions

Displayed columns will change depending on the selected view:​


The stage number displayed to the left of each stage when viewed on the project work breakdown.


The phase that the stage belongs to. This column only displays for projects where phases have been enabled.


The stage the transaction has been assigned to.


The date of the transaction.


The name of the staff member is displayed for timesheets, cash and travel and staff expenses.
Office expense is displayed when the transaction type is 'Office expense'.
The supplier or subcontractor contact name is displayed when the transaction type is 'Bills'.


The name of the rate that was selected at the time the transaction was entered.


The name of the task that was selected when the transaction was entered against. This may be blank for expenses and bills.


The type of transaction. For example: a timesheet, a staff cash or travel expense, an office expense, or a bill.


The current status of the transaction.


The overtime rate used for this transaction.

'Standard' indicates that standard time was selected rather than an overtime rate.


The number of units entered on the timesheet, expense, or bill.

Value total:

The value total of all transactions. This is calculated as the charge value multiplied by the units.

Expense type:

Only populates for expense transactions and shows the expense type that was selected for the expense.


Displays an icon if a note has been entered. Hovering over the note icon will display the note details.

WIP Value:

The charge value of transactions with a status of WIP. This is calculated as units multiplied by the charge rate

Invoiced units:

Shows the number of units the transaction has been invoiced for. Transactions that have not yet been invoiced will show 0 units.

Net invoiced total ex tax:

The value the transaction has been invoiced for.

Invoiced (revenue value):

The value the transaction has been invoiced for.


The difference between the Value total and the Invoiced revenue column.

Invoice number:

The number of the invoice number the transaction has been assigned to. Clicking the invoice number will open the invoice.

Filter transactions

Click the Filter icon at the top left of the page to view the transaction list filters:

Phase/stage: Use this filter to select the phase and /or stage.

Rate: Use this to filter by the rate type and /or rate name.

Staff: Use this to filter by the staff name. Inactive staff won't appear in the filter list.

Status: Use this option to filter by transaction status.

Transaction Date: Use this to filter by transaction date, or a transaction date range.

Transaction Type: Use this to filter by the transaction type.

Transaction Units: Use this to filter on a minimum or maximum number of units.

Transaction Value Total: Use this to filter on a minimum or maximum transaction value​.

Phase, Stage, Date, Rate, Type, Status, Units, and Value Total columns can also be filtered by clicking the filter icon on the column heading:

The filter icon will also display a number indicating how many filters are enabled for that column. If no filters are enabled, a number is not displayed.

Transaction row actions

Each transaction row has a menu allowing you to select an action to apply to that transaction. The status of the transaction will determine the available menu options .

The transaction row menu can be accessed by hovering over the end of the row until the ellipses is displayed.

Click the ellipses button to view the available actions and select the one you wish to apply to the transaction.

Clicking the row menu button on a bill disbursement transaction allows you to select 'Open in new tab' to view the Bill.

Export to Excel

You can export all transactions against a project to an Excel file by clicking the Export to Excel button (download symbol) displayed at the top right of the transactions screen.

Modify this export by changing the view and/or filters.

This exports all transactions to Excel as seen below.

Write off a transaction

There are several ways that transactions can be written off:

  • No billing fee type - if the stage has a 'no billing' fee type, all transactions entered against the stage are automatically written off.

  • Status change - when the stage is changed to a 'Complete' or 'Unsuccessful' status, any remaining WIP transactions are automatically written off.

  • Manual user write-off - within the project > transactions tab. The project manager can write-off transactions that should not be included on an invoice.

How to manually write-off:

  1. Go to the project transaction list by clicking on the project menu then Financials > Transactions.

  2. Using the checkboxes on the left, select the transactions you wish to write off, then click the ellipses button at the top left.

  3. Select 'Write-off' from the available options.

  4. A new dialogue box will display allowing you to select a reason code, a write-off date, and enter a comment. Reason codes are used in reporting and track why the transaction was written off. Reason codes can be added or edited from the Projects Lists menu under Settings.

  5. Once you have entered the required details, click Write-off. Once completed, you will see a green popup at the top right of the screen confirming that the transactions have been updated.

Undo a transaction write-off

  1. Select the written off transactions you wish to return back to WIP (undo write-off).

  2. Click the ellipses button at the top left and select 'Undo write-off' from the available options:

  3. This will return your selected transactions back to WIP status so they can be included on an invoice.

WIP transfer

Use WIP transfer to move transactions with a WIP status to different stages or projects.

A single WIP transaction can also be split, allowing you to transfer part of that transaction to a different stage or project. (*Business & Enterprise only).

Transfer to another stage in the same project:

  1. Go to the Project menu > Financials > Transactions > View: WIP.

  2. Tick the checkbox against each transaction row that you want to move.

  3. Click the ellipses at the top left and select the 'WIP transfer' option.

  4. The project drop down defaults to show the project you currently have open.

  5. Select the new stage that you want transfer the transactions to.

  6. Click Transfer.

  7. All the transactions are moved to the new stage on the selected project.

Transfer to another project:

  1. Go to the Project menu > Financials > Transactions > View: WIP.

  2. Tick the checkbox against each transaction row that you want to move

  3. Click the ellipses at the top left and select the 'WIP transfer' option

  4. The project drop down defaults to show the project you currently have open. Change this to the project that you want to transfer the transactions to.

  5. Select the new stage that you want to transfer the transactions to.

  6. Click Transfer.

  7. The transactions are moved to the new project and stage.

  8. Transactions with a status of 'Written-off' can also be WIP transferred. This action is available to use on the transaction list when the view is View: Default or View: Written off.

Partial WIP transfer

Individual WIP transactions can be split using the WIP transfer option:

  1. Go to the Project menu > Financials > Transactions > View: WIP.

  2. Tick the checkbox against the transaction that needs to be partially transferred to a new project or stage.

  3. Click the ellipses at the top left and select the 'WIP transfer' option.

  4. Use the drop down list to select either the stage, or project and stage that you want to transfer the transaction to.

  5. A Transfer field is shown. 'All' is displayed as the default with the the number of transaction units displayed in brackets.

  6. To split the transaction units, click the down arrow and select Split from the drop down.

  7. Transactions can be split by entering the number of units, or a percentage.
    If units are entered, the % split is calculated and displayed.
    If a percentage is entered, the units are calculated and displayed.
    The $ value of the transaction that will be created by the split is shown in the WIP transfer box at the bottom right.

  8. Click Transfer to complete the split and move the newly created transaction to the selected project or stage.

Approving WIP transactions

  1. Open the project then click on the project menu > Financials > Transactions.

  2. Click the filter icon at the top left.

  3. Expand the Status filter, select Unapproved WIP, and click the Apply filter button at the bottom of the panel.

  4. The list will now show Unapproved Transactions only.

  5. Select all the transactions you would like to approve by using the check boxes on the left.

  6. Click the ellipses button at the top left of the screen and select Approve WIP.

  7. Individual transactions can also be approved by hovering over the end of the transaction row, clicking the ellipses and then selecting Approve from the row action menu.

Security Matrix: Default Permissions

(Enterprise users can modify this, under "Project" in the Security Matrix).



Assistant Project Manager

Project Manager


Assistant Admin


Read Transactions (Access to the Transactions Page)






WIP Transfer






Write off and Undo Write off





Assign to Invoice





Manage and Approve Timesheets for Others (To Approve/Unapprove WIP)



Return to WIP


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