Edition: Enterprise
User-level: Project Manager, Director, Assistant Administrator, System Administrator
Schedule your project into a Gannt Chart to visualise your project key dates!
Where is the project schedule?
You can access the Project Schedule by:
Organisation menu > projects
Open the project you want to view the schedule for
Go to Project menu > Plan > Schedule
Schedule Actions
Scale project views
Choose to view your projects in weeks, months, quarters, or years to zoom in or out of the schedule, providing a clearer view based on the project's duration.
Filter stage views
Use the eye icon in the top right corner to toggle between displaying only proposal and active stages, or showing all stages.
Export your schedule to a PDF or a Microsoft Project file
Use the download icon in the top right to download your project schedule to a PDF or MPF.
Select the download format, paper size and layout and then select export and whether you want the table information or just the project Gantt chart.
Schedule legend
The key icon in the top right-hand corner offers a description of what each of the elements on the schedule means, this includes colour codes and keyboard shortcuts you can use on the schedule. An overview of the legend is available here.
Filter the schedule
To filter the schedule, select the filter icon on the left-hand side panel
Select filters, once done select 'Apply filter' at the bottom of the left-hand side panel.
The filtering options are:
The filtering options are:
Cost Centre: Filter stages by the selected cost centres.
Discipline: Filter stages by the selected disciplines.
Primary Team: Filter to show staff assigned to the project with the selected primary team.
Stage Manager: Filter stages by the selected stage manager.
Stage Name: Filter stages by name. You can enter all or part of the name in the search box.
Stage Status: Filter stages by the selected status.
Team: Filter stages by the selected team or teams assigned.
Unassigned Roles: Filter stages with unassigned roles. You can also specify whether these stages start within the next week, month, or quarter.
Tip! You can apply saved filters to the planning board.
Elastic Planning
Synergy's elastic planning means when you edit the project dates:
Any affected child phases will adjust to reflect the new project date.
Any child stages will adjust to reflect the new project date.
Any child tasks will be adjusted to reflect the new project date.
When you adjust the stage dates:
The project start/end dates will be adjusted to reflect the new stage dates
The phase start/end dates will be adjusted to reflect the stage dates
The task/to-do start/end dates will be adjusted to reflect the new stage date
Changing the project dates
When the project is in planning mode, you can adjust the start and/or end dates in two ways
1. Drag either end of the row to the desired date
2. Click and move the entire row to a new date period.
Tip! In delivery mode, you cannot adjust the project start or end dates directly. However, you can move the entire project to a new period or modify the project start and end dates by editing the stage start and end dates.
Changing the stage start/end dates
The start and/or end dates can be adjusted for any stage not marked as complete or unsuccessful by clicking and dragging the start/end of the stage or clicking into the stage and entering a date in the side panel.
Click into the stage and enter the start/end date:
Click the stage on the planning board to display the stage panel on the right-hand side.
Edit the start and end dates by typing them in or choosing them from the start/end date calendar
Click back into the schedule to save.
You can also adjust the stage dates by:
1.Dragging either end of the stage row to reflect the new start/end date
2. Clicking on the stage and moving the entire row to a new date period
How to add a task
Tasks are activities that must be completed to finish the stage work. They have defined start and end points, can be assigned to team members, and are tracked for progress
To add a task:
In the panel on the left-hand side, open the stage name by selecting the arrow to the left of it
Select the '+' icon to the right of the stage name to add a task
Type the name of the task in the text field and click out of the text field to save it. You can also press enter to save the current task and add an additional one
Any changes you make will not be saved, if you leave the task field blank and click out.
You cannot create two tasks with the same name under the same stage.
When you add a task from the schedule, it will have the same dates as its’ parent stage but will be coloured a light blue
How to edit the task start and end dates
Open the stage containing this task by selecting it from the panel on the left-hand side.
Resize the pill
This lets you adjust the task's start or end date by clicking and dragging.
Hover your cursor over the beginning or the end of the task pill.
Click and drag it to the new date.
Move the entire task
This allows you to move both the start and end date, moving the whole task along the schedule.
Type the start/end date
Manually enter a date or use the calendar selector by clicking the task and adjusting it in the panel on the right-hand side.
Click on the task pill and the panel on the right-hand side will open
Enter the start or end date you want, or select it using the calendar selector.
Select Save to apply the changes.
Tip: to cancel changes made in the panel on the right-hand side, select the '...' at the top right > Cancel.
Completed tasks on the schedule
When tasks are marked as complete, they will appear with a checkmark to the left of the name on the task pill
Tip! You are unable to edit the start/end date of a completed task.
How to add a milestone
Milestones allow you to track significant dates in a stage. Typically, they represent critical deliverables, decision points or the completion of a stage.
In the panel on the left-hand side, open the stage name by selecting the arrow to the left of it
Select the '+' icon to the right of the stage name to add a milestone.
Click on the diamond icon to the left of 'Add task/milestone here' to change from adding a task to adding a milestone.
Type the name of the milestone into the text field and click out of the field to save it.
Tip! Any changes you make will not be saved if you leave the milestone field blank and click out.
You cannot rename the milestone from the Schedule page. If you need to rename it, do this from the work breakdown.
How to edit the due date of Milestones
Drag and drop the Milestone icon
In the panel on the left-hand side, open the stage associated with the milestone by selecting the arrow to the left of it
Drag and drop the diamond icon to the right of the milestone
or Edit the due date in the side panel
In the panel on the left-hand side, open the stage associated with the milestone by selecting the arrow to the left of it
Click on the diamond milestone icon and edit the due in the panel on the right-hand side
How to add a to-do
To-dos enable more detailed project planning by breaking tasks into smaller, actionable items. For example, you could create to-dos for each step involved in a QA check
In the panel on the left-hand side, open the stage you want to add a to-do against by selecting the arrow to the left of it
Hover over the task name and select the 3 lines to the right of the task you want to add the to-do against
Enter the name of the to-do in the text box on the right-hand side and press enter
Edit the due date of a to-do
In the panel on the left-hand side, open the stage you want to add a to-do against by selecting the arrow to the left of it
To the right of each task, you'll see the number of associated to-dos. Click the number to open a panel on the right-hand side displaying all the to-dos.
Click on the to-do name to edit the start date or due date. You can either type this in or enter it in the calendar view.
Save by clicking back into the planning board.
How to view to-dos in the schedule
For a minimalistic view, to-dos are hidden from the schedule view until you expand the tasks they're associated with.
To see your to-dos you need to:
In the panel on the left-hand side, open the stage associated with the to-do by selecting the arrow to the left of it
Hover over the relevant task name, and click on the number of to-dos to the right-hand side. The panel on the right-hand side will open up and any to-do's on that task will then be visible there.
Tips: To the right of the task name you can view the number of to-dos associated with this task. This also shows the number of completed to-dos out of the total number of to-dos.
Stage dependencies
Dependencies help visualise the relationships between stages in the schedule. When the start or end date of a predecessor or successor stage changes, the dependent stage's dates will automatically adjust to reflect the update.
Predecessor stage: The stage that must be completed before the given stage can begin.
Successor stage: The stage that should start after the given stage is completed.
To add dependencies:
Click on a stage to reveal the panel on the right-hand side.
Select the successor or predecessor from the dropdown menu on the right-hand side.
Tips! You can view the existing stage dependencies by selecting the dependency icon as seen below
How to apply a template from the project schedule
You can apply a template to an existing project from the schedule page.
Click on the project row.
In the sidebar, click on the ellipsis.
Select Apply template.
Select the template you want to apply
Click apply
Your new template is added to the bottom of your existing stages and scaled according to the duration of your project.