The value of any invoice is distributed across the transactions held within the invoice in different ways, depending on markups/down, and happens in the following situations:
Invoice creation
Pre-billing (when the prebill is closed off)
When the invoice stage is a markup (i.e. invoice value > charge value)
Timesheet value will be marked up proportionally and expense value is maintained
If expenses only (i.e. no timesheet), then expenses will be marked up proportionally
When the invoice stage has no markup (i.e. invoice value = charge value)
All transactions maintain their value
When the invoice stage is a markdown (i.e. invoice value < charge value)
Timesheets and expenses
If total expense charge value < invoice value then timesheets are marked down proportionally and expense value is maintained
If total expense charge value = invoice value then timesheets all have an invoice value of zero, and expense value is maintained
If total expense charge value > invoice value then timesheets all have an invoice value of zero, and expenses are marked down proportionally
Expenses only
Expenses will be marked down proportionally