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Portal invoices
Updated over a week ago


The invoices portal shows any finalized invoices shared from the project invoices page.

Note: You will not see invoices that are shared from the document library as an informal chat in the invoices portal. If you were expecting to see a finalised invoice here, read the knowledge base article on how to share a finalised invoice.

Things you can do:

In the invoices portal, you can:

  • Download the invoice by clicking on the download link.

  • Preview the invoice by clicking on the thumbnail.

  • Reply to selected project team contacts by typing in the ‘Write reply’ field. Add an attachment to your message by clicking on the attachment button.

  • Open the sender’s business card by clicking on the profile picture.

  • Unfollow any updates on replies to this invoice – even if you are included as a recipent

  • Search for an invoice using the search field in the portal menu.

Reply to an invoice If a recipient replies to an invoice shared in the invoices portal, you will only see this in the invoices portal in the feed. It will not show in the chat page.

Add a contact to a reply Click the contacts button, then type in the auto-fill field to find the contact(s) you wish to add to the reply.

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