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Contact - Notes
Updated over a week ago

Contact notes tab

View all the entered notes for the contact which have been entered to track phone call history, meeting details, or reminder about follow-up actions.

Setup required before use

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Assistant project manager

Project manager

Director access

Assistant administrator

System administrator

Contact > Notes tab

What is the contact notes tab?

Add a new note to record when you have a phone call, meeting, or a follow-up action required with this contact. Existing notes linked to this contact record will be displayed in the list.

Actions available

New notes can be added in the 'details tab' of the contact record, or by opening the Contact record > Notes tab. Create a new note by:

  1. Click the 'Add' button in the top right corner.

  2. Type a short subject line to be summary of the note.

  3. Type the note description into the 'note' box, to record the details of the phone call or task.

  4. Save.

Change a note to be 'inactive' to hide it from the default list view, and the details tab of the contact record. Change a note to be inactive once the tasks are complete. Inactive notes can still be located in notes list by using the filters.

  1. Go to: notes list and Select the check box(es) on the row left for each item you want to mark as inactive. Click the multiple rows action button and choose 'set as not active'.

  2. The list refreshes and the item(s) have been hidden from the default list view.


  • Use the list filter 'all' to find both active and inactive contact notes.

  • A strike-out style is applied to notes that are inactive.



When a large number of items exist use the search or filter options to limit the number of rows shown in the list.

Search by clicking the search button and typing the keyword into the search box. To return to seeing all items in the list click the clear button in the search bar.

Tip: Learn more about searching with the list search or the global search.


Filter the list by selecting the search button. See the available filters by clicking the word 'active'. Select a filter from the drop-down list and click the search button to apply the filter. The filter options are:

  • Active - the default list filter that shows the items that can be used (seen in drop-down lists).

  • Inactive - see the items that can no longer be used, and are only shown when still linked to existing records.

  • All - see both active and inactive items in the list.

Tip: Return to the default view by choosing the clear button in the search bar.

Columns available

  1. Subject type the subject for the note. This is a short summary about the note contents.

  2. Note the body of the note where you can type the note text that you want other internal staff to be able to view. Click on the note row to open the note and view the full note text. Only the user who created the note can amend the note text.

  3. Active the active box on a new note is checked by default. Active notes are shown in the details tab of the contact, and only active notes are shown by the default filter in contact notes list. Change a note to inactive to hide it from the default view once the tasks are complete. Inactive notes can still be located in notes list by using the filters.

  4. Notify me of any changes the notify me box is checked by default on any new note that you create. This ensures that you are sent a notification in Synergy when another user adds a note comment. Note comments are added to record further information about the note task. Uncheck this box if you do not wish to receive any notifications about comments being added to this note.

  5. Created by the name of the staff member for who created the note, with a Synergy profile picture for the staff member (if a profile picture is available). The date and time that the note was created is also shown.

  6. Comments type a comment on the note to record extra information about the note task. Other users can add comments to a note to advise of progress on the note task, or to reply to the note creator. Type the note text, and then either press the enter key or the save button on the comment row. On saved comment rows the person who added the comment is shown along with the date and time the comment was entered.

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