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118 articles
List views, search and filter options
Email a contact document
Contact spreadsheet import guide
Convert a contact that was created with the incorrect type
Contacts list
Contact - Details
Contact - Personnel
Contact - Projects
Contact - Invoices
Contact - Bills
Contact - Documents
Contact - Notes
Contact Unique ID's
Contact roles
Contact status options
Contact - Titles
Contact titles
Adding a contact title
Marking contact titles as inactive
Searching for contact titles
Deleting contact titles
Editing the name of a contact title
Filtering for contact titles
Sample contact titles
Columns available for contact titles
Contact status overview
Contact status
Adding a custom contact status
Marking a contact status as inactive
Deleting a contact status
Editing the name of a contact status
Filtering and searching for a contact status
Sample contact status options
Contact roles overview
Contact roles
Creating a contact role
Searching for contact roles
Filtering contact role
Marking a contact role as inactive
Deleting a contact role
Editing the name of a contact role
Sample contact roles
Columns available for contact roles
Contact, unique ID's overview
Contact unique ID's
Assigning unique ID's to contacts
Contact audit overviewDetails on how to access and use the contact audit
Contact notes tab overview
Contact notes tab
Adding a new note in the contact notes tab
Hiding notes in the contact notes tab
Searching in the contact notes tab
Filtering in the contact notes tab
Contact documents tab overview
Contact documents tab
Adding a folder in the contact documents tab
Editing a folder name in the contact documents tab
Deleting a folder in the contact documents tab
Re-generating folders in the contact documents tab
Upload contact documents
Uploading multiple files to the contact documents tab
Bulk editing options for files uploaded to the contact documents tab
Saving a copy of a current file from the documents tab
Moving a file between folders in the contact documents tab
Adding tags to files in the contact documents tab
Sending a file from the contact documents tab via email
Viewing document properties of a file in the contact documents tab
Actions available for files in the contact documents tab
Using 'Lock' in the contact documents tab
Deleting a file in the contact documents tab
Version control actions for documents in the contact documents tab
Checking out a file from the contact documents tab
Cancelling check out for a document in the contact documents tab
Check-in a file from the contact documents tab
Uploading a new version in the contact documents tab
Requesting a check-in for a document in the contact documents tab
Rolling back to a previous version for files in the contact document tab
Searching documents in the contact document tab
Filtering documents in the contact documents tab
Contact bills tab overview
Contact bills tab
Searching in the contact bills tab
Filtering in the contact bills tab
Contact invoices overview
Contact bills tab
Searching in the contact bills tab
Filtering in the contact bills tab
Contact invoices tab overview
Contact invoice tab
Deleting a draft invoice from the contact invoices tab
Searching in the contact invoice tab
Filtering the contact invoices tab
Contact projects tab overview
Contact projects tab
Adding a contact to the contact projects tab
Filter and search in the project contacts tab
Contact personnel tab overview
Adding a new personnel to the contact personnel tab
Opening a personnel contact tab
Changing the personnel status in the contact personnel tab
Deleting personnel in the contact personnel tab
Filter and search in the contact personnel tab
Contact details overview
Updating details in the contact details tab
Changing the contact status in contact details
Converting the contact type
Exporting contact details to Excel
Read-only view actions for contact details
Creating a new company contact
Creating a new individual contact
Creating new personnel contact
Updating the details of a contact
Deleting a contact
Making a contact inactive
Using list view for contacts
Filter and search for contacts
Using accounting add-ons with contacts