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Contact - Unique IDs Overview
Contact - Unique IDs Overview

Unique ID, Contact Unique ID

Updated over a month ago

Edition: Professional, Business, Enterprise

User-level: User, Assistant project manager, Project manager, Director access, Assistant administrator, System administrator

Previous steps: How to add contacts

What are unique IDs?

Unique IDs allow you to store a number against each contact in Synergy. This number is used by the Accounting add-ons to match the contacts on the Unique ID number when the names of the contacts differ in both systems e.g. in Synergy the contact is called 'ABC Constructions', and in Xero, MYOB or QBO, the contact is called 'ABC Constructions Pty Ltd'.

Why use contact unique IDs?

Unique IDs ensure that the invoice or bill is synced to the correct contact account in your accounting package. This is useful if you have more than one contact with the same name or if the same contact is attached to both invoiced and supplier bills.

How to format contact unique IDs

The Unique ID settings allow you to update the default numbering that is applied to new contact records that are created in Synergy. Update the default unique ID number format by:

1.Go to the main menu > Settings > Organisation > Configuration.

2.Scroll down to Contact unique ID.

3.Enter the contact Unique ID prefix, start number, padding and length.

  • Prefix - letters or numbers to always appear in-front of the auto-generated id number. E.g. A prefix of C could be used for contacts to indicate the contact is a client or customer.

  • Start - type the next number that can be used in the sequence. E.g. to start from 100 in the numbering sequence, enter 100 in the start field.

  • Padding - type a character to be used when padding is required. E.g. using '0' in the padding field will pad the number out to the total number of characters soecified for the overall length of the unique ID.

  • Length - the total number of letters and numbers that should be used to build the unique id. E.g. type a length of 5 when you want a prefix of 1 character for C prefix, followed by an id number of 4 digits.

4.Use the preview to check the Unique ID format is correct and save in the top right hand corner.

The next available unique ID number will be assigned to the next contact created.

Existing contacts are not updated when this setting is changed.


  • The unique ID number assigned to a contact record cannot be the same as an unique ID number assigned to a staff record.

  • Staff records have a unique ID prefix of S to keep their records separate from contacts by default E.g. S0004 instead of 0004.

  • The auto assigned unique ID number on contacts and staff can be over typed and changed as required.

How to set the contact Unique ID

When adding a contact to Synergy, the Unique ID will be automatically generated using the next number available in the ID sequence. Alternatively, you can manually enter the ID when setting up a contact by entering it into the Unique ID field.

When using the data import for contacts you can enter the Unique ID into the Unique ID column.

How to edit contact Unique ID

  1. Organisation menu > Contacts

  2. Select the pencil to the right of the contact you want to edit > Edit.

  3. Locate the field 'Unique ID' and enter a new unique ID number for the contact. Alternatively, delete the current unique ID and the next available number will be assigned to the contact when you save.

  4. Click Save in the top right hand corner.

Where to next?

What other features does this relate to?

Contacts overview, Configuration

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