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Contact - Projects
Updated over a week ago

This lists all of the projects where this contact record is attached to the Project > Contacts tab.

Setup required before use

Who can use it?

Where is it?


Assistant project manager

Project manager

Director access

Assistant system administrator

System administrator

Contact > Projects tab

What is the contact projects tab?

See all of the projects that this contact record is listed to on the Project > Contacts tab. The contact projects tab is available for all three contact types: company, individual, or personnel. This allows you to see which contact is part of a project team at a company level, or at the staff level in an open personnel contact.

Contacts that are listed as a project contact can be included in project communications like document portal sharing, transmittals, document template outputs etc.

Why use the contact projects tab?

See which projects that the contact is involved with and listed as being part of the project team.

Actions available

Click the row action button and select which project tab to open: details, project contacts, invoices, or documents.

Click the Add button and select to 'add the contact to' either:

  1. An existing project - the contact selected in the list will be added to the project contacts tab. Select the role for the contact and the project name, then click save & close.

  2. A new project - the contact selected in the list will be added as the primary project contact on a new project.



When a large number of items exist use the search or filter options to limit the number of rows shown in the list.

Search by clicking the search button and typing the keyword into the search box. To return to seeing all items in the list click the clear button in the search bar.

Tip: Learn more about searching with the list search or the global search.


Filter the list by selecting the search button. See the available filters by clicking the word 'active'. Select a filter from the drop-down list and click the search button to apply the filter. The filter options are:

  • Active - the default list filter that shows the items that can be used (seen in drop-down lists).

  • Inactive - see the items that can no longer be used, and are only shown when still linked to existing records.

  • All - see both active and inactive items in the list.

Tip: Return to the default view by choosing the clear button in the search bar.

Tip: Use the filter options 'project status' and 'tags' to limit the number of projects listed here. The project is only shown on this tab if the contact is listed on the project contacts tab.

Use the page actions button to Export to Excel. This sends all the items lists on the tab to an Excel file. All the items valid for the current list filter are exported. e.g. Apply the filter 'active' and only active rows are exported to Excel.

Columns available

  1. Name The 'name' entered on the project details tab.

  2. Number The unique number for the project.

  3. Status The current status applied to the entire project.

  4. Role The role that has been assigned to this contact record on the project contacts tab.

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