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Contact - Invoices
Updated over a week ago

See all the invoices where this contact record is attached to the invoice to contact. Invoices are created in the project > invoices tab.


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Contact > Invoices tab


  • Click on a column heading to sort the list. e.g. Sort on invoice date, project number, or invoice number.

  • Looking for credit notes? Use the search button to change the page filter to include 'All' items - invoices and credit notes.

What is the contact invoices tab?

Each invoice issued to the contact record are displayed on this tab. If a canceled invoice or invoice write-off exists for this contact they are also displayed. Select the row action button to open the invoice record.

Any invoices that are overdue are shown with a red color shading, to make the payments that require chasing up with the client easy to locate in the list. Export the details of the invoice tab to Excel.

Why use the contact invoices tab?

Check the contacts owing value and average payment days across all projects where they are attached as the invoice contact.

Actions available

Click the invoice row and the invoice number listed will open, or select the invoice row action button

and select open.

An invoice can only be deleted if it is at draft status. To delete an invoice by:

  1. In the contact > invoices tab using one of the following methods: Single row - Click the invoice row action button against a draft invoice status row and select 'delete'.

  • Multi row - Select the check box(es) on the row left for each item you want to delete. Then click the multiple rows action button and choose 'delete'.

2. The list refreshes and the item(s) have been deleted.

Tip: If the invoice has already been finalized, then it cannot be deleted. Try using the cancel or credit the invoice options.

Use the page actions button to Export to Excel. This sends all the items lists on the tab to an Excel file. All the items valid for the current list filter are exported. e.g. Apply the filter 'active' and only active rows are exported to Excel.


When a large number of items exist use the search or filter options to limit the number of rows shown in the list.

Search by clicking the search button and typing the keyword into the search box. To return to see all items in the list click the clear button in the search bar.

Tip: Learn more about searching with the list search or the global search.


Filter the list by selecting the search button

See the available filters by clicking 'all status types'. Select a filter from the drop down list and click the search button to apply the filter. The invoice status options are:

  • Draft

  • Owing

  • Paid

  • Cancelled

  • Credited

  • Written off

Tip: Return to the default filter 'all' view by choosing the clear button in the search bar.

Columns available

  1. Number The number of the finalized invoice or credit note is shown. If the invoice has not yet been finalized then 'DRAFT' is shown. Credit note drafts are assigned a number when they are saved, and can be found using the status filter / column.

  2. Invoice date the date that the invoice is generated to be sent to the client. Or if this is a credit note, then this is the date of the credit note document.

  3. Project the project that the invoice was created within. Click the project name to view the details.

  4. Status use the status column to view the type of invoice or credit that is shown on that row. The status options are draft, owing, paid, canceled, credited, written off.

  5. Due date view the date the owing amount of the invoice is due for payment. For credit notes this is the same as the credit note date.

  6. Total (ex tax) the total value of the invoice or credit note excluding any taxes. This is the original invoice value prior to any adjustments.

  7. Credits and Write-Offs (ex tax) the total value of any credit notes raised for the invoice to date. This includes all credit note types: cancel, credit, and write-offs.

  8. Adjusted (ex tax) the total value of the invoice less any credits excluding any taxes.

  9. Adjusted (inc tax) the total value of the invoice less any credits including any taxes.

  10. Payments (inc tax) the total value of any payments entered for the invoice to date.

  11. Owing (inc tax) the value owing or outstanding that the client still needs to pay for this invoice. This is the invoice value less any credit notes, less any payments.


  • Click the 'project name' to open the record an view the details. Click into any of the other columns to open the invoice and view the details.

  • When debtor notes have been added an orange triangle is shown on the invoice row like this example.

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