Add custom contact status options to act like a contact category in Synergy. Synergy includes the default contact status options of active and inactive, to let you hide the inactive contacts from drop-down lists.
*This feature is available with the Synergy Business or Enterprise products.*
Setup required before use | Available in | Who can use it? | Where is it? |
n/a | Business Enterprise | Assistant system administrator System Administrator | Settings > Contact lists > Contact status |
What is the contact status?
Custom statuses can be created to track internal workflows for client and supplier contacts. The default status options created control is the contacts are shown in Synergy drop-down lists.
Active - Work can be completed for this contact. The contact can be seen in drop-down lists to be attached to invoices, bills, projects or timesheets.
Inactive - No work can be done for this contact, and the contact record itself is inactive and does not appear in drop-down lists.
Why use the contact status?
Create the status options that can be applied to contacts, which determine if the contact is shown in drop-down lists in Synergy.
Actions available
Add extra status options to control what type of items can be created for the contact record. Add a contact status by:
Go to: Settings > Contact lists > Contact status.
Click the Add button in the top right corner of the list.
Type the 'name' to describe the status.
Check the boxes for each item that will be allowed for use with this status option applied. Contact is active (shown in drop-down lists) Default status for new records Active (contact status option can be used)
Save and close.
Repeat for each extra status option that is required.
Change a status to be inactive to stop the contact status option from appearing in drop-down lists.
Go to: Settings > Contact lists > Contact status, and use one of the following methods: Single row - Click the row action button and select 'edit'. Uncheck the 'active' box, and then save and close. Multi-row - In the list check the box(es) on the left of the name column, and then click the multi rows action button. Choose 'set as not active' option.
The list refreshes and only the active items remain in the list.
A strike-out style is applied to all the rows that are inactive.
Use the list filters 'all' or 'inactive' to find the inactive contact status options.
Delete a contact status if it has not been used on any contact records. If the status has already been used then change the item to be 'inactive' to stop it from being used in the future.
Go to: Settings > Contact lists > Contact status and use one of the following methods. Single row - Click the row action button and select 'delete'. Multi-row - Select the checkbox(es) on the left of the row for each item you want to delete, then click the multiple rows action button and choose 'delete'.
The list refreshes and the item(s) have been deleted.
Update the name used for the status in drop-down lists. When a name is changed existing contacts which have the status applied will be updated to display the new status name.
Go to: Settings > Contact lists > Contact status.
Click the row action button and select 'edit'.
Type the new name for the contact status.
Save and close.
The updated status name is shown in the list. Any existing contacts with the status applied have been updated.
When a large number of items exist use the search or filter options to limit the number of rows shown in the list.
Search by clicking the search button and typing the keyword into the search box. To return to seeing all items in the list click the clear button in the search bar.
Tip: Learn more about searching with the list search or the global search.
Filter the list by selecting the search button. See the available filters by clicking the word 'active'. Select a filter from the drop-down list and click the search button to apply the filter. The filter options are:
Active - the default list filter that shows the items that can be used (seen in drop-down lists).
Inactive - see the items that can no longer be used, and are only shown when still linked to existing records.
All - see both active and inactive items in the list.
Tip: Return to the default view by choosing the clear button in the search bar.
Sample contact status options are automatically created with your organization. This sample data is added to make it easier to get started with Synergy. Delete or make 'Inactive' any of these sample contact status options that are not required. These contact status options are created for all industry types:
Contact Status samples | Details |
Active | Set to allow creation of invoices, bills, and be linked to projects and timesheets. Contacts with this applied are 'active' which means they are in drop-down lists. |
Inactive | Set to block the creation of any items - invoices, bills, projects, and timesheets. The contact records are set to be inactive which hides them from drop-down lists stopping future usage. |
Columns available
Name The contact status name that is seen in the drop-down list when assigning the status to contact records. The name entered must be unique, and is recommended to be detail what actions are allowed. i.e. No Invoices, No Bills etc.
Contact is active When checked then all contacts with this status applied are also at active status. If you change this setting on an existing status (from active to inactive), then all the contacts with this status applied are automatically changed to inactive. This means that the inactive contacts cannot be seen in drop-down list, and cannot be assigned to any newly created items (projects, bills etc).
Default If checked then this contact status option will be applied to all new contact records by default. The default option can only be assigned to one contact status option.
Active If checked the title is active and available in the drop-down lists in contacts, personnel, and staff records. Uncheck the active box to make the record inactive to remove it from drop-down lists and stop future use of the item.