Edition: Business, Enterprise
User-level: Assistant Administrator, System administrator
In Synergy, you can add custom contact status options to categorise contacts. This feature allows you to hide inactive contacts from drop-down lists.
What is the contact status?
Contact statuses allow you to keep track of prospective clients, current clients and supplier contacts throughout their lifecycle. The default status options you create will determine how these contacts appear in Synergy's drop-down menus.
Columns shown on contact status page
Name: The name of the status. This is what shows in the drop-down list when assigning the status to contact records. The name entered must be unique, and it is recommended to be descriptive of what actions are allowed. i.e. No Invoices, No Bills etc.
Contact is active: When checked, all contacts with this status applied are also at active status. If you change this setting for an existing status (eg. from active to inactive), then all the contacts with this status applied are automatically changed to inactive. This means that the inactive contacts cannot be seen in drop-down list, and cannot be assigned to any newly created items (projects, bills etc).
Default: If checked, then this contact status option will be applied to all new contact records by default. The default option can only be assigned to one contact status option.
Active: If checked, the contact status is active and available in the drop-down lists in contacts, personnel, and staff records. Uncheck the active box to make the record inactive, to remove it from drop-down lists and stop future use of the item.
Add a new contact status
Organisation menu > Settings > Contact Lists> Contact status
Click the Add button in the top right corner. The Add Contact Status box will display
Enter the Name of the new status
Check the boxes for each item that will be allowed for use with this status option applied.
Click Add to create the new status, or click Cancel go back.
Delete a contact status
If a contact status has not been used on any contact records, you can delete it. To delete a contact status:
Hover your cursor over the contact status to reveal the '...' on the right.
Click the '...' and then click Delete
A confirmation window will open. If you are sure you want to delete the status, click Delete. If you wish to go back without deleting, click Cancel.
Make contact status inactive
If the status has already been used, then you can change the item to be 'inactive' to stop it from being used in the future. An inactive status will no longer appear in the contact status drop-down lists.
To mark a status as inactive:
Hover your cursor over the contact status to reveal the menu on the right.
Click the edit icon to start editing the status
Uncheck the box in the Active column, then click the green tick to save the status.
Change a contact status name
When you update the name of a status, existing contacts that had the old status applied will automatically show the new status name.
To change the status name:
Hover your cursor over the status and click the edit icon at the far right.
Click the name field and enter a new name
Click the green tick to save the changes.
Searching and Filtering contact statuses
When numerous items exist, use the search or filter options to limit the number of rows shown in the list. You can search the contact status list by clicking the search bar at the top left and typing the keyword into the search box.
Use the invoice filter to filter the screen by one or more filtering options. In the contact status list you can filter the list by Active status, allowing you to show only Active, only Inactive, or All:
By default the page will show you only Active statuses.
You can also save and load filters: Save and load filtering in Synergy
Creating custom contact status options in Synergy is a great way to make managing contacts more organised, and to hide inactive contacts from drop-down lists. You can easily manage multiple contact statuses to keep your contacts categorised and up to date