Setup the revision number for drawing or document which needs to be displayed on the transmittal summary document.
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What are revision numbers on project documents?
Custom revision numbers can be created to display on the Transmittal Summary document that is not the default version numbers applied to an uploaded version to the project documents area. This allows the transmittal revision to be labeled A, B, C, instead of the default numbering system of 1 ,2, 3.
The revisions numbers setup can be seen in the edit document page for a project document, and on transmittal summary documents only.
Why use revision numbers on project documents?
Setup custom drawings revision numbers to be shown on a Transmittal Summary document.
Revision number options
The default numbering sequence for uploaded file versions is 1 , 2, 3. This numbering sequence will default onto each new version that is uploaded to a project documents folder. It maybe required that a different version sequence be used, to display the file revision on a transmittal document. For example if you wanted to start the version number from 12, or to have a sequence of A ,B, C or AA, AB, AC.
To cater for this we have two fields available for every uploaded file to the project documents area:
Version - This is the default numbering applied to a file uploaded to Synergy. This is always set to use the sequence 1,2,3. This is a system generated number and cannot be altered.
Revision - The revision number defaults to use the same numbering as the version number for the file. This number can be customized as required to show and alternate number for the file on a transmittal summary document.
Update a document to have a custom revision number by:
Open the project and select the 'document library' option.
Upload a file using the 'add files' button to the project documents tab.
After the file upload is complete, click the file in the folder list to open the file details page.
Use the 'document history' section to update the revision number.
Type the required number into the 'Revision' field. e.g. type AA to have the sequence of AA, AB, AC etc.
All future versions uploaded for this project document will use this custom numbering sequence.
This revision number defaults to numeric sequence of 1,2,3 that is the same as the version number for the file. The revision number can be alpha or numeric, or a combination of both. The revision number field can be over typed to create a custom revision number sequence, e.g. type 'A' to have the version sequence be A, B, C. The revision number can only be used once on any project document, for example the project document 'Site floor plan' can only have revision A assigned once.
Revision number examples
Type 1 to get the sequence of 1, 2, 3.
Type A to get the sequence of A, B, C.
Type A1 to get the sequence of A1, A2, A3.
Type 1A to get the sequence of 1A, 1B, 1C.
Revision numbers do not support the entry of special characters such as !@#$%^&*(). They must be alpha or numeric.
Revision numbers cannot have an alpha prefix and suffix. e.g. A12H is not supported. You can have A12 or 12H, but an alpha prefix and suffix is not allowed.
In this scenario the project document version 1 has already been uploaded to the project folder. The file was selected to be stored as a transmittal version #1, and a custom revision #A was applied. A new version of the file is now ready to be sent out on a transmittal. The new version of the file on my computer has a different file name to the current file in the project documents area (a different file name to the original document).
Open the project to the document library tab.
Open the folder that contains the file that you need to upload the new version against.
Upload the file version by either: Selecting the row action button and choosing the 'upload new version' option. Drag and drop the file onto the project document row that you want to upload the new version for. Select the 'add files' button and if the file name selected to upload already exists in the folder it will ask you if you want 'keep separate' to create a second line for that file, or to 'update existing' which will upload the file as a new version for the existing file.
The project documents list will update for that folder showing the file 'revision' number has been updated.