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Actions Available for Files in the Project Document Register
Actions Available for Files in the Project Document Register

All editing options for files in the Document Register

Updated over a week ago

Edition: Professional, Business, Enterprise

User-level: User, Assistant Project Manager, Project Manager, Director, Assistant Administrator, System Administrator

Previous steps: N/A

The Document Register in Synergy provides users with features to help maintain document control, generate proposals, and so much more.

Upload or Generate Files

In the top-right corner of the document register page are options to add or create files:

  • Selecting Add files, will allow you to upload files from your device. Multiple files can be uploaded at one time.

  • Selecting Create, you'll see the following options; Proposal document, Project document or Project letter.

  • Each of these options will allow you to generate a file in the document register using templates from Synergy. Each has a different menu to ensure your document contains all the information you need. Below is an example of this - the Proposal document template menu:

Editing and Deleting Files

Most of the editing options you'll need in the document register are available via the Ellipses button, shown in the final column of each file:

The options are as follows:

  • Details - Opens the file, allowing users to add; document number, title, description, tags, comments, as well as changing the user access level and folder location.

  • Preview - Shows the first page of a file as a preview.

  • Download - Downloads a copy of the file to your device.

  • Upload New Version - Allows users to upload a new version of the file from their device.

  • Send - Allows you to share the file as a Transmittal or Informal Chat.

  • Manage Shares - Provides an audit trail of each time the file was shared, who it was shared with, and more.

  • Re-send Share Email - When files are shared, an email is sent to the recipients. This option will re-send the email to all recipients the file was shared with.

  • Lock - Locks the file, preventing any further changes from being made until it is unlocked.

Sharing Files

Files can be shared with clients informally or via a Transmittal.

To do this, use the tick-boxes to the left of each file you wish to share, then use the multi-select menu and select Share:

After selecting this a panel on the right will populate with a list of selected files to share:

Once you select the "Share with" option shown above, you will then be shown two share options:

  • Informal Chat - Shares the files with your project contacts through the Project Portal. Project contacts will be provided with portal access to download the files, and discuss them.

  • Transmittal - Shares the files as a transmittal with your project contacts. Transmittals are also shared through the Project Portal.

Selecting either option will require you to;

  • Enter a Subject

  • Select which contacts to share the files with;

  • and include an optional message, as shown below:

Transmittals have additional fields capturing the Reason for sending, and delivery method.

Every file has an audit log showing each time a file was sent, who the recipients were, and version/revision details. To access this, hover over a file and select the Ellipses button followed by Manage Shares:

Editing Document Information

Selecting any file in the document register will open its document page, as shown below:

There are several editable fields available within this page, listed below:

  • Document Number

  • Title

  • Description

  • Comments

  • Security access level - Allows you to define the minimum level of access required to view/edit this file.

  • Folder - Move the document to a different folder within the project's Document Register

  • Tags - Add a tag to the document. Tags are keywords allowing files to be found easily in the Global Search field.

  • Revision - Update the revision number. This can be numeric, alphabetical, or alphanumeric.

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