When you first open MYOB Connect within Synergy you will be redirected to the MYOB login page. This is to allow you to enter your login credentials for MYOB, which allows Synergy to check which company files that you have access to use in MYOB.
Login to your MYOB Online account (your account for my.MYOB.com.au) by typing your email address and password.
Select which company file you want login to and then sync your Synergy data with from the list.
Type the 'username' and 'password' for that company file.
Note: MYOB does not support third party applications to use their single sign-on options. You will need to have a username and password for the company file in MYOB. Contact you MYOB administrator if you do not know what this password is for the company file.Click login and you will be taken to the MYOB Connect preview.
When the connection expires you will be automatically disconnected from MYOB, and prompted to 'Connect to MYOB' again if you want to continue.
Disconnect from your MYOB company file at any time by clicking the 'Disconnect' button in the top toolbar. This will not log you out of MYOB Online (your my.MYOB.com.au account), it only remove the Synergy Connect session.
To logout of your my.myob.com.au account, select the 'Logout from MYOB Online' option in the top of the screen.