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MYOB Connect
Updated over a week ago

MYOB Connect overview

Use the MYOB Connect to transfer your Synergy data for invoices, credits, invoice payments, bills, and staff expenses to your MYOB company database file.

Setup required before use

Who can use it?

Where is it?

Assistant administrator

System administrator

Connect to accounting > MYOB Connect

What is MYOB Connect?

Use the MYOB Connect add-on to transfer your Synergy data to MYOB AccountRight Live. The following Synergy items can be synced with MYOB AccountRight Live:

  • Invoices

  • Credit notes

  • Invoice payments

  • Invoice contacts

  • Jobs

  • Bills

  • Staff expenses (cash and travel expenses)

  • Supplier contacts

Use the settings in Connect to customize how your invoices and expenses appear in MYOB AccountRight Live, and control which accounts and bank accounts the data is linked to after connect has transferred the data.

Why use MYOB Connect?

Use Connect to sync your Synergy data for invoices and expenses to MYOB. This avoids you having to enter the same information in both systems.

MYOB Connect overview

When you first open MYOB Connect within Synergy you will be redirected to the MYOB login page. This is to allow you to enter your login credentials for MYOB, which allows Synergy to check which company files that you have access to use in MYOB.

  1. Login to your MYOB Online account (your account for by typing your email address and password.

  2. Select which company file you want login to and then sync your Synergy data with from the list.

  3. Type the 'username' and 'password' for that company file.
    Note: MYOB does not support third party applications to use their single sign-on options. You will need to have a username and password for the company file in MYOB. Contact you MYOB administrator if you do not know what this password is for the company file.

  4. Click login and you will be taken to the MYOB Connect preview.

When the connection expires you will be automatically disconnected from MYOB, and prompted to 'Connect to MYOB' again if you want to continue.


  • Disconnect from your MYOB company file at any time by clicking the 'Disconnect' button in the top toolbar. This will not log you out of MYOB Online (your account), it only remove the Synergy Connect session.

  • To logout of your account, select the 'Logout from MYOB Online' option in the top of the screen.

Default settings are applied for your company file to make using MYOB Connect easy. Customize the following settings (optional) if required to change how data is displayed in MYOB, or which account the data is transferred into in MYOB. Learn more about each of the MYOB Connect Settings.

Settings that can be updated are:

  1. General settings - Set the export from date, to control from what date Synergy will look for details to send to MYOB.

  2. Invoice and credit note settings - Select what details are sent to MYOB for the invoice, and setup the account code mapping.

  3. Invoice payments - Select if payments will be imported from MYOB to Synergy, or exported from Synergy to MYOB. When exporting payments you can also select which bank account the payments should be added to in MYOB.

  4. Bill settings - Choose if bills will be exported from Synergy to MYOB. Setup the account code mapping option, and choose what details will show on each of the bill lines in MYOB.

  5. Staff expense settings - Choose if staff cash and travel expenses will be exported from Synergy to MYOB. Setup the account code mapping option, and choose what details will show on each of the staff expense bill lines in MYOB.

  6. Tax settings - Map which tax code is used in MYOB for each of the Synergy tax codes. This is required for invoices and expenses.


  • Each time a setting is changed there is an audit to track who changed the setting, and what the value was before the change.

  • Read a detailed overview about each of the MYOB Connect settings.

The MYOB Connect preview performs a real-time check between Synergy and MYOB to see what data will be sent in the next sync. New invoices, credit notes, or payments that don't exist in Synergy / MYOB will be shown in the preview page. Use the Preview screen in MYOB Connect to:

  • Resolve any warning messages shown for the data about to be transferred to MYOB.

  • Check what invoices or credit notes will be created in MYOB.

  • Check the invoice contact records that will be created in MYOB.

  • Check what job items will be created in MYOB for the linked invoices or credit notes.

  • Check which payments will be imported or exported to MYOB.

  • Run the MYOB Connect sync once all errors shown have been resolved.

After a sync has been run the other tab for 'skipped record' and 'history' will be populated with the results.

  • Use the 'History' tab to check what data was exported to MYOB during the Connect sync.

  • Use the 'Skipped records' tab to find any items that have been skipped, and add then back to be sent in a future Connect run.


  • Disconnect from your MYOB company file once you are finished running the sync by clicking the 'Disconnect' button in the top toolbar. You will not logout of if you have that open in other web browser tabs, only remove the Synergy Connect session.

  • Only one Synergy user at a time should sync to the same file using Synergy MYOB Connect. Do not run the sync from two computers to the same file at the same time.

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