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MYOB Preview
Updated over a week ago

Use the preview tab in the MYOB Connect to check what data will be sent to MYOB. View any errors that may be stopping the invoice contacts, invoices, credit notes, invoice payments, bills, and staff cash and travel expenses from being sent to MYOB by the sync transfer.


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Connect to accounting > MYOB ARL Connect > Preview

What is the MYOB ARL Connect preview?

Check what data will be sent to MYOB in this Connect sync transfer run. The Preview tab performs a real time check of the data in Synergy to your MYOB company file as the tab is loaded. The results shown are the new items that have not yet been synced. The data is split into the following preview groups:

  • Invoices

  • Credit notes

  • Import payments

  • Export payments

  • Bills

  • Staff expenses

Expand a Connect group to see what data will be sent in the sync. Or select the 'Sync' button to send all the data to be transferred now.

Alter what data is shown in the preview tab by changing the 'Export from date'. The data shown in the preview is on or after the entered date. Update this data after each financial quarter period is locked in MYOB, to stop Synergy trying to send any data to a locked period in your financial system.

If any of the groups have rows inside with errors then there is a orange warning shown on that collapsed group. Expand the group to see the row that has the error. Click on the 'errors detail' text to find out what the missing data in Synergy or MYOB is that is causing the error to be shown. If errors exist the sync to MYOB cannot be run. In the error details pop-up select the '...' actions button to edit the details related to the error item in Synergy.

In the preview you can skip certain rows from being sent to MYOB in this sync, if the row has an error and you need more time to investigate the cause of the error. After all the errors have been fixed you can refresh the Connect preview and sync the data to MYOB.

Why use the MYOB Connect preview?

Review the contacts, invoices, bills, and staff expenses that will be sent in the MYOB Connect sync.

Preview details shown

The preview tab has a real-time connection to your MYOB company file. Connect checks the Synergy and MYOB data to determine what data can be sent by the interface, and which items area valid to be sent (without any errors). Any warning messages about the Synergy or MYOB data being incorrect are shown with the orange errors symbol. The MYOB Connect sync cannot be run until all the errors are resolved.

  • Grouping type - Invoices, credits, export payments, import payments, bills, or staff expenses.

  • Warnings - The warning symbol is shown on any grouping row where there is an error on a line.

  • Number of records - The number of records that will be sent using Connect is shown in gray color text.

  • Number of errors - The number of rows in the grouping that have an error listed is shown in orange color text.

  • Total - The total value of the revenue that will be transferred by Connect.

Expand the 'Invoices' or 'Credits' grouping and a list of all the invoice or credit note rows that will be synced to MYOB are shown. Each invoice or credit note is sent to MYOB with the stage line details, the invoice contact details, and the job item details. Click on any of the green text in the list to open additional pop-ups to see more details about the data that is about to be sent for the invoice / credit to MYOB.

Contacts sent with the invoice / credit are matched based on the contact name and unique ID combination (card ID in MYOB). If a match for these details is not found then the sync will look for a contact with the same name. If a contact with the same name exists, then it is updated with the contact details from Synergy such as unique id number. If the name and unique id are not found then a new contact record 'customer' type is created in MYOB.

When an invoice has a contact listed as the c/o (care of ) contact name in Synergy, the c/o contact address details are displayed in the "ship to" field on the invoice contact in MYOB.

Example of the data sent for each invoice / credit note

A project has four stages. Each of the stages are included on the invoice. This makes a total of four invoice lines that are shown in the MYOB preview > invoice stage line details pop-up. The invoice contact in Synergy is sent to MYOB to be a 'customer' type contacts card record.

Each of the invoice stage lines are also mapped to include a job entry in MYOB for the Synergy project number.

Details sent:

  • Invoice total details

  • Stage invoice lines

  • Invoice contact = MYOB customer contact

  • Job = Project number

Actions available

  • View the invoice stage line details - Click the green text on the invoice number, or the total inc tax column to open this pop-up. See the stage level invoice totals, the account code that each of the stages is mapped to based on your Connect settings, and the MYOB job that will be applied to each line.

  • Invoice contact details - Click the green text for the contact name to open this pop-up. View the details for the invoice contact that will be created or updated in MYOB by this sync. New contact created show the action of add, and the new record is created in MYOB by the sync. If the contact already exists in MYOB with the contact name / unique id combination then the contact action will show update. This allows connect to update the address and phone number details into MYOB, when you have updated those details in Synergy.

  • Error details - Click the green text 'Error detail' to open this pop-up. Here you can see the details of each error message that is showing for that invoice, these errors must be resolved before the sync can be run. Click the '...' actions button to edit the details in Synergy that relate to the warning that is shown. Learn more about MYOB Connect errors and how to resolve them.

Columns shown

  1. Invoice / Credit number - The invoice number or credit note number is shown. Click this number to see the stage line details for the invoice / credit.

  2. Errors - Click the text 'error details' when shown to see the details of the error message. All errors must be resolved before they sync can be run to MYOB.

  3. Invoice date - The date the invoice was created.

  4. Contact - The contact name that the invoice is addressed to in Synergy. Click the contact name to see more of the contact details.

  5. Project - The project name that the invoice / credit note was created for.

  6. Total inc tax - The total value of the invoice / credit including tax.


  • Synergy $0 invoices are excluded from the interface as they cannot be sent to MYOB.

  • MYOB does not allow two contact records to be created with the same name, so if you have two contacts with the same name in Synergy they will have the unique id number appended to the end of the name of the second contact sent to MYOB with the same name.

  • Job items can show the Synergy details project number, cost center name, or discipline name. Learn more about the MYOB Connect settings.

View a list of each Synergy invoice payments that will be sent to MYOB. A Synergy payment can only be sent to MYOB if the invoice number that the payment is linked to in Synergy, also exists within MYOB.

MYOB has payment types entered against each payment. Where these payment type names match Synergy, the matching will be automatically applied to the exported payment. It is recommended that you update the default payment type in Synergy to match MYOB when exporting payments. Update this list in Synergy Organization > Settings > Project lists > Payment types.

Actions available

  • Error details - Click the green text 'Error detail' to open this pop-up. Here you can see the details of each error message that is showing for that payment, these errors must be resolved before the sync can be run. Click the '...' actions button to edit the details in Synergy that relate to the warning that is shown. Learn more about MYOB Connect errors and how to resolve them.

Columns shown

  1. Invoice number - The invoice number that this payment is linked to in Synergy.

  2. Errors - Click the text 'error details' when shown to see the details of the error message. All errors must be resolved before they sync can be run to MYOB.

  3. Payment date - The date entered against the payment in Synergy.

  4. Account code - The bank account code that this payment will be added to in MYOB.

  5. Payment type - The payment type that is on this payment in Synergy.

  6. Reference - This field shows the 'Note' that is entered on the payment type in Synergy.

  7. Total inc tax - The total value entered for the payment, and including tax value.


  • Multiple payments can be exported for the one invoice if required. This can happen if the client part pays an invoice.

  • Synergy does not allow payments to be exported that has a value that is greater than the owing invoice value.

View a list of each MYOB invoice payments that will be imported to Synergy. A MYOB payment can only be imported to Synergy if the invoice number that the payment is linked to in MYOB, also exists within Synergy. Payments entered in MYOB for expenses (creditors) or MYOB payroll payments are excluded from the Synergy import payments list. Only MYOB payments for Synergy invoices are displayed.

MYOB has payment types entered against each payment. Where these payment type names match Synergy, the matching will be automatically applied to the imported payment. It is recommended that you update the default payment type in Synergy to match MYOB when importing payments. Update this list in Synergy Organization > Settings > Project lists > Payment types.

Actions available

  • Error details - Click the green text 'Error detail' to open this pop-up. Here you can see the details of each error message that is showing for that payment, these errors must be resolved before the sync can be run. Click the '...' actions button to edit the details in Synergy that relate to the warning that is shown. Learn more about MYOB Connect errors and how to resolve them.

Columns shown

  1. Invoice number - The invoice number that this payment is linked to in Synergy.

  2. Errors - Click the text 'error details' when shown to see the details of the error message. All errors must be resolved before they sync can be run to MYOB.

  3. Payment date - The date the payment was entered in MYOB.

  4. Reference - This will become the payment note in Synergy. This is the MYOB payment number, and any note entered against the MYOB payment. The contact name the payment was entered from is also shown.

  5. Total inc tax - The total value of the payment (including tax value).


  • Multiple payments can be imported for the one invoice if required. This can happen if the client part pays an invoice.

  • Synergy does not allow a payment value to be imported that is greater than the owing invoice value.

Sync supplier and subcontractor bills entered in Synergy to MYOB, to avoid having to enter the same data in both systems manually. Staff need to enter the bills in synergy when the expenses need to be on-charged on project invoices. The bills need to be entered in MYOB so that the bill can be paid. Use the expense type account code option if you need to vary which bank account each type of expense is transferred to in MYOB.

Click on any of the green text in the list to open additional pop-ups to see more details about the data that is about to be sent for the bill to MYOB.

Contacts sent with the bill are matched based on the contact name and unique ID combination (card ID in MYOB). If a match for these details is not found then the sync will look for a contact with the same name. If a contact with the same name exists, then it is updated with the contact details from Synergy such as unique id number. If the name and unique id are not found then a new contact record 'supplier' type is created in MYOB.

Example of the data sent for each invoice / credit note

A bill has four lines entered in Synergy. In the MYOB preview, in the bills group there is one line shown for the overall bill total values, and if you select the bill total value you can see the bill line details pop-up. The bill contact in Synergy is sent to MYOB to be a 'supplier' type contact record.

Each of the bill lines are also mapped to include an job in MYOB, most commonly the expense type is used as the job.

Details sent:

  • Bill total values

  • Bill line details and values

  • Bill contact = MYOB supplier contact

  • Job = Expense type

Actions available

  • View the bill line details - Click the green text on the bill number, or the total inc tax column to open this pop-up. See the bill line totals, the account code that each bill line is mapped to in MYOB. This is based on your Connect settings, and also shows the MYOB job that will be applied to each line.

  • Bill contact details - Click the green text for the contact name to open this pop-up. View the details for the bill contact that will be created or updated in MYOB by this sync. New contact created show the action of add, and the new record is created in MYOB by the sync. If the contact already exists in MYOB with the contact name / unique id combination then the contact action will show update. This allows connect to update the address and phone number details into MYOB, when you have updated those details in Synergy.

  • Error details - Click the green text 'Error detail' to open this pop-up. Here you can see the details of each error message that is showing for that bill, these errors must be resolved before the sync can be run. Click the '...' actions button to edit the details in Synergy that relate to the warning that is shown. Learn more about MYOB Connect errors and how to resolve them.

Columns shown

  1. Bill number - The number of the bill entered in Synergy.

  2. Errors - Click the text 'error details' when shown to see the details of the error message. All errors must be resolved before they sync can be run to import the MYOB details.

  3. Bill date - The bill date entered in Synergy.

  4. Contact - The contact name that the bill was received from. This will be a 'supplier' contact in MYOB.

  5. Total inc tax - The value of the bill including any taxes.

Each entered staff cash or travel expense can be exported to MYOB, to allow for the staff member to be reimbursed for the expense. View a list of all the staff expenses entered for the period, and select which of these should be sent to MYOB.

Click on any of the green text in the list to open additional pop-ups to see more details about the data that is about to be sent for the staff expense to MYOB.

Staff sent with the bill are matched based on the staff / contact name and unique ID combination (card ID in MYOB). If a match for these details is not found then the sync will look for a contact with the same name. If a contact with the same name exists, then it is updated with the staff details from Synergy such as unique id number. If the name and unique id are not found then a new contact record 'supplier' type is created in MYOB for the Synergy staff member so that the expense can be reimbursed.

Actions available

  • View the staff expense details - Click the green text on the expense number, or the total inc tax column to open this pop-up. See the expense details, the account code that each staff expense is mapped to in MYOB. This is based on your Connect settings, and also shows the MYOB job that will be applied to each line.

  • Staff details - Click the green text for the staff name details to open this pop-up. View the details for the staff member the expense is for, and that staff member will be created in MYOB as a supplier ( created or updated ) in MYOB by this sync. New staff never sync'd before will show the action of add, and the new supplier contact record is created in MYOB by the sync for the staff member. If the staff member already exists in MYOB with the contact name / unique id combination then the action will show update. This allows connect to update the address and phone number details into MYOB, when you have updated those details in Synergy.

  • Error details - Click the green text 'Error detail' to open this pop-up. Here you can see the details of each error message that is showing for the staff cash or travel expense, these errors must be resolved before the sync can be run. Click the '...' actions button to edit the details in Synergy that relate to the warning that is shown. Learn more about MYOB Connect errors and how to resolve them.

Columns shown

  1. Expense number - This shows the unique id number from the staff member, along with a unique number for the staff expense. This number is not editable in synergy.

  2. Errors - Click the text 'error details' when shown to see the details of the error message. All errors must be resolved before they sync can be run to import the MYOB details.

  3. Expense date - The date that the staff member entered the cash or travel expense for is shown.

  4. Staff - The staff member that entered the expense in Synergy is shown. Click the name to view the contact details that will be created in MYOB. Staff are created in MYOB as supplier contacts to allow for the expenses to be reimbursed to the staff member.

  5. Expense type - The type of the expense is shown, as selected against the staff cash or travel expense.

  6. Project - The project name entered against the staff cash or travel expense is shown.

  7. Total inc tax - The total value of the staff cash or travel expense claim is shown as an inc tax value.

Actions available

Update the export from date to limit the data that is shown in the preview. Synergy performs a real time check on all the data that is available in the date range selected. By restricting the date range the results page can show faster in the Preview tab.

The 'Export from date' setting allows you to control how far back in Synergy that Connect checks for data like:

  • Invoices (Synergy invoice date)

  • Credit Notes (Synergy credit note date)

  • Payments (invoice payment date in either Synergy or MYOB AccountRight Live)

  • Bills (Synergy bill date)

  • Staff expenses (Synergy cash or travel expense date)

Tip: Learn more about the MYOB Connect Settings.

Skip items from being transferred in the Connect sync. Click the refresh button to save the skipped lines to the skipped records tab. Then you can check the rest of the preview results before running the sync.

Skip items when:

  • The row has an error that you will need to resolve later in MYOB or Synergy.

  • Your staff or internal team have told you that those details should not be sent to MYOB / Synergy.

Once an item is skipped it will appear in the Skipped records tab. You can add the items back to the preview screen at a later point to be sent in a Connect sync once any errors are resolved.

Skip items by:

  • Uncheck the box for an entire group.

  • Expand a group, and uncheck the box for a line inside the group.

  • Click the 'Refresh' button to save the items as skipped.

Use the 'Refresh' button near to the 'Export from date' field in the top of the screen to refresh and update the preview tab results.

Use this button when:

  • You have updated the export from date.

  • You have updated details in Synergy or MYOB in another tab.

  • You have skipped a group, or items within a group then. On 'Refresh' those skipped items are saved to the skipped items tab.

The sync to MYOB can be run when there are no errors shown in the preview tab. Check the results shown in each grouping, and then click 'Sync' now to run the sync process to MYOB.

Please keep the tab open and wait for the process to complete.

Tip: There is no cancel button to stop the sync once it starts, and there is no undo button.

Expand and collapse all the grouping rows at the same time using these action buttons. Click the '...' action button in the top right of the preview tab to see the options for:

  • Expand all

  • Collapse all

Tip: Expand a grouping row by clicking anywhere on the row. Collapse the row by clicking the arrow on the right.

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