Sync supplier and subcontractor bills entered in Synergy to MYOB, to avoid having to enter the same data in both systems manually. Staff need to enter the bills in synergy when the expenses need to be on-charged on project invoices. The bills need to be entered in MYOB so that the bill can be paid. Use the expense type account code option if you need to vary which bank account each type of expense is transferred to in MYOB.
Click on any of the green text in the list to open additional pop-ups to see more details about the data that is about to be sent for the bill to MYOB.
Contacts sent with the bill are matched based on the contact name and unique ID combination (card ID in MYOB). If a match for these details is not found then the sync will look for a contact with the same name. If a contact with the same name exists, then it is updated with the contact details from Synergy such as unique id number. If the name and unique id are not found then a new contact record 'supplier' type is created in MYOB.
Example of the data sent for each invoice / credit note
A bill has four lines entered in Synergy. In the MYOB preview, in the bills group there is one line shown for the overall bill total values, and if you select the bill total value you can see the bill line details pop-up. The bill contact in Synergy is sent to MYOB to be a 'supplier' type contact record.
Each of the bill lines are also mapped to include an job in MYOB, most commonly the expense type is used as the job.
Details sent:
Bill total values
Bill line details and values
Bill contact = MYOB supplier contact
Job = Expense type