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Xero Connect
Updated over a week ago

Use the Xero Connect add-on to transfer your Synergy data to Xero. This avoids you having to enter the same information in both systems.

The following Synergy items can be synced with Xero:

  • Invoices

  • Credit notes

  • Invoice payments

  • Invoice contacts

  • Inventory items

  • Bills

  • Bill payments

  • Staff cash expenses

  • Staff travel expenses

Step 1: Setup the settings for Connect

The settings for Connect allow you to customise how your data appears in Xero. Control mapping items like:

  • What sales revenue account each invoice or credit note will be added within.

  • Which bank account the payments will be added within.

  • Mapping for tax code and tracking category options for invoices and expenses.

  • Setting up what will be sent as the inventory items for invoices and expense.

  • If invoice payments are exported from Synergy to Xero, or imported from Xero to Synergy.

  • What expense account supplier bills or staff expenses will be added within.

Learn more about the Xero Connect settings.

Step 2: Preview the sync

Check what data is valid to be transferred to Xero by the Synergy Connect sync. The data is grouped to show the invoices, credit notes, invoice payments, bills, and staff expenses that are valid for this sync run. Check the data shown then click the 'Sync' button to transfer the items to Xero.

Resolve any errors shown before running the sync, or skip any lines that you don't want to transfer to Xero. Lines are skipped by unchecking the line or the group of data, and on refresh of the page they are saved to the skipped lines tab. You can add back the skipped lines into a future sync as required.

Learn more about the Xero Connect preview.


Example of an invoice in Synergy and Xero

The invoice below has been setup in a Synergy project for multiple stages.


The settings in Xero Connect have been setup as follows:

  • Account code = Fixed to account 200

  • Invoice reference = Project number

  • Inventory item = Project number

  • Synergy invoice note to be sent as a $0 line item

This results in the invoice in Xero being shown as in the below example.

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