Edition: Professional, Business, Enterprise
User-level: Director, Assistant Administrator, System Administrator
Requirements: MYOB access level of Administrator
Configure the available setting options to customise how invoices, credit notes, bills, and staff expenses are synced from Synergy to MYOB using MYOB ARL Connect.
How to access MYOB Settings
Organisation menu > Connect to Accounting > MYOB ARL Connect > Connect to MYOB
2. Enter your my.MYOB email address and click Next.
3. After following your usual MYOB authentication steps, you'll be presented with a data transfer authorization screen.
4. Click the Allow access button to confirm that you wish to continue with the transfer of data from Synergy to MYOB.
5. Select your MYOB company file on the left-hand side of the screen.
6. Enter your user name and password for the company file on the right-hand side then click Login.
NOTE: The company file login must the in the format of username and password as the my.MYOB email address and password are not supported.
7. Click the 'Settings' tab from across the top of the MYOB connect screen
General settings
The Export from date in the General settings is used to set the date range for data synced between Synergy and MYOB.
Contact settings
As MYOB supports fewer characters on contact records, MYOB Connect will shorten the name as required to allow your Synergy contacts to sync to MYOB.
The S- prefix is added to the Synergy contact unique ID when syncing bills and staff expenses to MYOB. This ensures the contact will be created as a Supplier contact in your MYOB card file.
Invoice settings
Invoice settings are used to customise the information shown on invoices and credit notes, such as invoice text, invoice journal memo, and jobs.
Filters allow you to limit which invoices and credit notes will be synced to MYOB.
Account code mappings determine which asset or revenue accounts your Synergy invoices and credit notes will be allocated to in MYOB.
A fixed asset account is used as the default, with the option to select a different asset or revenue account. You can also select either cost centre or discipline as an alternative.
Payment settings
Payment settings control if invoice payments are imported from MYOB or exported to MYOB. 'Import payments from MYOB into Synergy' is the default setting.
When 'Export payments from Synergy to MYOB' is selected, the following options are available:
Single MYOB account.
Specific MYOB accounts. This option requires a Synergy payment type to be mapped to an MYOB asset account.
Tracking categories
Map the office that will be sent to your MYOB Categories list. The default option is None but if you use multi-office in Synergy and Categories in MYOB, Office can be selected from the drop-down list.
Bill settings
Bill settings are used to customise which information is shown on purchases, such as the bill note and bill line description.
Filters allow you to limit which bills will be synced to MYOB based on cost centre or discipline.
Account code mappings determine which expense or cost of goods sold accounts your Synergy bills will be allocated to in MYOB.
A fixed cost of sales account is used as the default, with the option to select expense type as an alternative.
Staff expense settings
Staff expense settings are used to customise which information is shown on staff purchases, such as the staff expense note, and other details from the staff cash or travel expense entry.
Filters allow you to limit which staff expense will be synced to MYOB based on the project prefix.
Account code mappings determine which expense or cost of goods sold accounts your Synergy staff expenses will be allocated to in MYOB .
A fixed expense account is used as the default, with the option to select expense type as an alternative.
Tax settings
Tax settings map Synergy tax codes to MYOB tax code options for invoices and expenses.