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Adding a Start Date to a To-Do

Adding a start date to a to-do in the project schedule

Updated over a week ago

Edition: Enterprise

User-level: user-level that can complete action

The following article will guide you through how to add a start date to a to do from the project schedule.

  1. Organisation dropdown > Projects > Open the project you want to edit the to-do on

  2. Project menu > Plan > Schedule

  3. Open up the corresponding stage, any to-dos added will be to the right of the task they were added against

  4. Select the to-do you would like to edit from the right-hand side bar. You can add a start date from this side bar

  5. Save


  • The purpose of the to-do start date is so it will appear on that day in the calendar view. This is not a mandatory field.

  • The start date will also auto-populate when you drag a to-do in the calendar view.

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