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Project documents and folders

Moving your project documents & folders to Synergy Cloud

Updated over a week ago

Edition: Synergy desktop

User-level: System administrator

The project folder structure configured in your Synergy V4 database will also be migrated to your Synergy cloud organisation. If a project folder structure hasn't been configured in Synergy V4, the default Synergy cloud folder structure will be applied to your migrated organisation instead.

Project documents are not migrated to Synergy cloud as part of the migration process, but you can upload these to your Synergy cloud project folders after your final migration.

Controlled documents must be moved out of the V4 controlled documents folder before they can be uploaded to Synergy cloud. Uncontrolled documents can be uploaded at any time.

Review the V4 project folder structure

Review the project folder structure under Administration Tools > Project folders.

Changes to this structure can be made before migrating, or can be made in your Synergy cloud organisation post-migration.

Controlled documents

Access to the controlled documents folder in Synergy desktop is configured in the office settings. A separate network login may be set as the folder owner to prevent other network users from accessing it directly.

Any controlled documents that will be uploaded to the Synergy cloud project folders post migration must be checkout out of the V4 controlled documents folder first.
The tools to complete this step are located on the Project > Documents > Documents tab.

Documents in the controlled folders are displayed on a white background with a revision number.

Documents in the standard project folders (uncontrolled) are displayed on a coloured background.

A controlled document can be moved into an uncontrolled folder by selecting the document name and then clicking the blue filing cabinet icon on the document toolbar.

Uncontrolled documents

Files and documents in the uncontrolled or standard Synergy V4 project folders can be uploaded directly from the project folders in Windows file explorer

Invoice documents and PDFs

Synergy V4 desktop stores all Synergy Word and PDF invoices in a centralized Invoice folder located under the shared Synergy folder on your server

Synergy cloud stores Synergy Word and PDF invoices in the invoices subfolder of each project. This folder is located in the project document register located under Project > Project information > Document register > Invoices

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