Edition: Professional, Business, Enterprise
User-level: Director and above
Previous steps: MYOB Overview
Under MYOB Connect settings, you can enter MYOB Account codes. This article will walk you through setting this up so that you can map MYOB asset and/or revenue codes for cost centres or disciplines.
Go to the Organisation drop down menu > Settings > Project Lists.
Click the pencil icon at the end of the row you want to edit.
Entered account codes will be displayed against each entry in the list.
MYOB Connect will use the account codes from those lists to sync your Synergy invoice revenue to the matching code in your MYOB chart of accounts.
Make sure the correct cost centre and disciplines have been selected on project stages before invoicing them. Synergy uses the cost centre and discipline that's configured on a stage when an invoice is created when syncing to MYOB.
Where to next?
What other features does this relate to?
βMYOB Connect Overview