Edition: Professional, Business, Enterprise
User-level: Assistant administrator, System administrator
Before you begin... make sure that you have added all of the tables you need into your document template.
Once you have added all the tables you need into your document template, you will be able to customise and edit them to your liking using the available bookmarks. You will be able to add an array of bookmarks as well as format text, colours, fonts and spacing.
This will take you through what you are able to achieve when editing and customising your document template tables:
Where to edit document template tables?
Incase you have exited out of your document template here is how to get to your template tables:
Go to the Organisation menu > Settings > Templates > Documents
Select the pencil in the top right hand corner of the template preview.
In the customise template section of the Edit template screen, select 'Select tables'.
Select the pencil on the right hand side of the table.
Bookmarks in tables
You are able to add or edit bookmarks in each individual cell. Adding bookmarks can be done via the below steps:
Double click into the cell you would like to edit
Delete the current bookmark from the table cell text box (click into the text box delete the text)
Double click on the bookmark you would like to enter into this cell, this will determine what data is shown in this cell when the table is generated.
Save any changes in the bottom right hand corner.
NOTE: You are only able to select what is available in the right hand side menu in that cell. Any bookmarks you copy and paste in from other cells/tables won't work in your final document.
Actions available
You can also customise your table using the following options available:
Table Formatting
Expand/collapse sections - Select the expand or collapse sections icon to view all of the tables rows or to hide all of the table rows.
Add/delete columns - You can add or delete columns by selecting the plus and minus icons next to 'Add columns'. These will be added to the right-most side of the table.
Move columns - To move columns to the left or right click into a cell in this column and select the left and right icons next to 'Move column'. This will only move the column of the cell you have selected
Add/remove table rows - You can add or remove rows by selecting the plus or minus icons to the right hand side of the row sub headings.
Copy and paste cell style - To copy the style of one cell to another cell, click into the cell > select the copy cell style icon
Select the cell you would like to paste this into > select the paste icon
Merge duplicate rows - Use the merge duplicate rows icon to merge rows when you want the text to appear across multiple cells. For example, a stage name or description
Background colour - Click into the cell and then choose the background colour icon and choose a background colour from the dropdown menu.
Set up borders - Select the table graph to determine how the border on your table.
The Table border options correspond to the cell you currently have selected.For example, if you check the Column > Top and Bottom options, it will create a border for the top and bottom of the cell column you are currently in.
βClear all cells - Select the clear all cells option when you want to delete all bookmarks in currently in the table.
Fonts and text formatting
Make font bold - To make any font in the table bold, click into the cell and then click the bold icon.
Make font italic - To make font italic, select into the cell once and then select the italic icon
Change font size - To change font size click into the cell once and then change the font size
Text alignment - To change the text alignment in the cell, click into the cell and then select one of the alignment options at the top of the screen
Text colour - To change text colour click into the cell and then select text colour and then choose a colour from the dropdown options
When editing the table in document templates, use the 'Preview' tab at the top right to view your edits as you go.
We recommend you frequently select 'Save' in the top right hand corner of the table and then 'Save' in the top right hand corner of the edit template screen, this will avoid any work getting lost.
There is no undo when editing tables, so make small changes and save often.
Some rows on a Table will have different bookmark options, check the bookmark you want to use actually exists within that row's bookmarks, don't rely on copy and paste.