Edition: Professional, Business, Enterprise
User-level: Director, System Administrator
Previous steps: NA
When you have the Synergy HR add-on, other areas of Synergy will be affected to make recording and approving leave requests as seamless as possible. Recording leave in HR will also ensure that your resourcing stays up to date so that double handling in multiple areas of Synergy isn't required.
Resource planning
When a leave request is made via the availability register, calendar or directly in the resource planning board, it will automatically sync that request on the resource planning board. If a request has been made but not approved, it will show as a purple hatched line. If the request has been approved, it will show as a solid purple line.
Request made via availability register:
Approved leave showing as a solid pale purple line in the resource planning board:
Staff and availability
With the Synergy HR add-on, your staff settings will have an extra tab for HR. This is where you'll be able to record their personal details and skills & qualifcations as well as assigning them to the relevant leave policies and public holiday calendars. Staff members can also adjust their own availability from the 'availability' tab in their staff settings.
If a staff member has been assigned to a leave policy or polices, they will be able to see their leave balance for those policies as long as the leave balance has not been hidden in the policy settings:
Synergy HR makes managing your staff availability and resourcing a lot simpler!
Where to next?
What other features does this relate to?