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Creating a budget

how to create a budget

Updated over a week ago

**This feature is only available in the Synergy Business and Enterprise editions.**

A budget is a great way to set your project up for success! You are able to allocate time, fees and resources to your project and then keep track of how you are doing throughout the duration of your project.

You can get to the budget by going into a specific project and navigating to Project > Plan > Budget.

From here, you will see your work breakdown, and it will include all phases, stages, and tasks previously entered. Your budget by default will also be separated into three categories; Internal, External and Expenses. These categories are coordinated with the rate types available in synergy.

By default, these categories will be enabled, however, you can disable this in your Configuration settings (Organisation > Settings > Organisation > Configuration).

You can also enable and disable categorisation per Project directly in the Budget screen.

When these categories are enabled you will be able to add new budget tasks directly underneath the budget categories with the rate types that correlate. The Rate Categories and Rate types are grouped as below:

Rate Category

Rate Types


Staff, Inspection


Supplier, Subcontractor


Office expenses, Travel expenses, Cash expenses

Allocating a rate

By default, any stage-specific tasks created in the work breakdown are listed without a rate. Select the rate drop-down against a task to assign a rate. All rates listed in this drop-down are determined by what is available in the rate group selected against the stage.

Selecting staff

Specifying staff on the budget is optional, but the staff member you can choose will always be restricted by the rate you have selected.

Entering units

As you enter units for the budget line, the 'Rate value/markup' and 'Budget total' columns will update accordingly.

Splitting units

If there is more than one staff working on a particular task, you can enter the sum of the estimated units and then use the split function to easily create another budget line.


A lumpsum value is available in the Internal category and can be used to simply enter a total value to the budget.


A great way to make sure you're ready to create your budget is to follow the checklist below:

  • A work breakdown must be created before budgeting.

  • Check the stages have the correct fee types selected and agreed fees/cap (if applicable).

  • Check the stages have the correct rate group selected.

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