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Budget vs. Actuals

Budget, Budget vs Actuals

Updated over a week ago

Edition: Professional, Business, Enterprise

User-level: Project manager, Director, Assistant Administrator, System Administrator

Previous steps: How to create a budget

The budget vs actuals report displays the difference between the budgeted amounts for each stage and staff member, and the actual transactions entered by each staff member.

How to view the Budget vs Actuals

  1. Organisation menu > Projects > open the project you want to view the Budget vs Actuals of

  2. Project menu > Plan > Budget vs Actuals

Filters & Actions available


1.How to expand rows

Select the triangle icon on the left-hand side of the stage to get a more granular view of the Budget vs Actuals. The report is broken down into categories, internal, external and expenses and under each of these are the rates and staff assigned to this stage.

2. Under the Elipses

Select the '...' in the top right-hand corner to reveal the options below

  • Expand All: Expands to show every row of the report.

  • Collapse All: Collapses all stages to show the budget vs actuals at the stage level.

  • Collapse to Stages: Collapses to show the budget vs actuals at the stage level.

  • Collapse to Categories: Collapses all categories to show the budget vs actual overview for internal, external, and expense categories.

3. Edit the project budget

Selecting 'Edit budget' in the top right-hand corner takes you to the budget screen, where you can amend the budget.

Filter the budget vs actuals

To filter the Budget vs Actuals select the search icon in the top right-hand corner

Filters available:

  • All Rate Categories: Filter by budget category to only show budget vs actuals under internal, external, expenses.

  • All Rate Types: Filter by rate type to only show budget vs actuals for that type. (E.g cash, travel, staff etc).

  • Proposal and Active: Filter by stage status to only show budget vs actuals for stages with that status. By default, only stages with a status of Proposal and Active will be shown.

Reading the budget vs actual reports

Budget categories:

  • Internal: This includes any budget or transactions staff charge rates and site visits

  • External: This includes any budget or transactions for subcontractors and suppliers

  • Expenses: This shows all cash travel and office expenses


  • Phase/Stage/Task:

    • Phase: Displayed in blue, as shown in the work breakdown.

    • Stage: Displayed in white.

    • Task: Displayed in grey under the stage name.

  • Rate: The name of the charge-out rate, either assigned in the budget or entered as a transaction.

  • Staff: The name of the staff member, either assigned in the budget or who entered the transaction.

  • Budget Units: The number of units entered in the budget screen for this stage.

  • Budget Total: The charge value of the units entered in the budget, calculated as the number of units multiplied by the charge value.

  • Actual Units: The number of units entered as transactions for this stage.

  • Actual Total: The charge value of transactions entered, calculated as the number of units multiplied by the charge value.

  • Variance Units: The difference between budgeted units and actual units.

  • Variance Total: The difference between the budgeted value and the actual value.


To view the budget vs actuals for all projects, go to organisation menu > reports and run the Budget vs Actuals report

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