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Transactions overview
Updated over 3 years ago

View timesheets and expenses entered against the project on the transactions page.


  • Click a column heading to sort the list in ascending or descending order using that column

  • Use the filter in the search options (top right) to restrict the tab to only show transactions that have a certain status. e.g. invoiced vs WIP

What can I see on the transactions page?

View all the transactions entered against the project in the project transactions tab. Transactions can be entered in:

The charge value or the invoiced value is shown for each transaction line.
The charge value is calculated based on the rate selected for the transaction (rate x number of units/hours).

The invoiced value column is only populated once the transaction is attached to a finalized invoice.

WIP transactions will display the charge value, or potential value, that will be invoiced to the client.

Use the status column for the transactions to see which timesheets or expenses have been invoiced, written-off, or are in WIP.

Additional actions available are:

  • Transfer WIP to another project or stage

  • Write off transactions in WIP to stop the items from being included on a project invoice

  • Undo write-off lets you return written-off transactions back to WIP, to allow them to be included on a future invoice

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