View timesheets and expenses entered for the project using the transactions tab. Use the status column for the transactions to see which timesheets or expenses have been invoiced, written-off, or are in WIP (work in progress). Use the transactions tab to write off WIP transactions to stop the items being included in project invoices, or to use WIP transfer to move the transactions to a different stage or project stage.
Setup required before use | Who can use it? | Where is it? |
N / A | Assistant project manager* Project manager Director access Assistant administrator System administrator
*Assistant PM cannot use WIP transfer or WIP write-off. | Open Project > Transactions |
Click a column heading to sort the list in ascending or descending order using that column.
Use the filter in the search options (top right) to restrict the tab to only show transactions with a certain status. e.g. invoiced vs WIP.
What is the transactions tab?
View all the transactions entered against the project in the project transactions tab. Transactions can be entered in:
The charge value or the invoiced value is shown for each transaction line. The charge value is calculated based on the rate selected for the transaction (rate x number of units/hours). The invoiced value column is only populated once the transaction is attached to a finalized invoice, until then only the WIP transactions have only the charge value is shown for the potential value that will be invoiced to the client. Use the status column for the transactions to see which timesheets or expenses have been invoiced, written-off, or are in WIP.
Additional actions available are:
Transfer WIP to another project or stage.
Write off transactions in WIP to stop the items from being included on a project invoice.
Undo write-off lets you return written-off transactions back to WIP, to allow them to be included on a future invoice.
Actions available
Status options available for transactions are:
WIP - Work in Progress (WIP). The transaction has been submitted and is ready for invoicing.
Invoiced - The transaction has been invoiced. The transaction is attached to a finalized invoice and cannot be edited.
Written off - The transaction value has been written off, and cannot be invoiced to the client on any invoices. Transactions are written off manually in the transactions tab or the project, or automatically by being attached to a stage with the fee type of 'no billing'.
Draft invoice - Any transactions attached to a draft invoice are shown with this status. Transactions attached to a draft invoice cannot be modified.
Tip: When timesheets or expenses are entered they are automatically set as WIP status unless the 'stage' is setup with a 'no billing' fee type which automatically will write-off the transactions. Learn more about fee types and their impact on transactions.
The details shown for the value of the transaction will change based on the status of the transaction. The status impacts the column's value, invoiced value, and charge value. The status options that impact the transaction value are:
WIP status - When the transaction is at WIP status and has not yet been invoiced, the invoiced value shows as $0 and the charge value shows the potential value that could be invoiced for that transaction.
Written off status - A 'written off' transaction will have the 'Invoiced value' for the transaction shown as $0.00. The value from the transaction rate remains in the charge value column for the written-off transaction.
Invoiced status - When the transaction is invoiced the item defaults to be invoiced at the charge value. However, the transaction can be written up / down during the invoicing process. The invoiced transaction reflects the value defined for the item on the invoice sent to your client (or later updated in the pre-billing module).
Example 1 - Invoiced
The original transaction value for a Senior Architect at 8 hours is $1,360.00.
During the billing process, this was marked down / written down to be $483.53.
In the Project > Transactions tab you can see:
The original value of the transaction $1,360 in the 'value total' column in the default view.
The discounted value of $483.53 is shown in the 'Invoiced value' column in the 'invoiced' view.
Example 2 - Written off
The original transaction value for an Engineer at 8 hours is $850.00.
The transaction has been written off and the time will not be charged to the client on any future invoice.
In the Project > Transactions tab you can see:
The invoiced value will display as $0.00 with the invoice number of W/OFF.
The original value of the transaction $850 in the 'value total' column.
Use the transaction write-off feature to remove a timesheet or expense transaction from WIP, to stop the transaction from being included on an invoice to the client.
A written-off transaction is not removed from the project. The transaction will remain on the project transactions tab with a $0.00 invoiced value.
When the status of write-off is applied to a transaction charge value amount will remain as the rate value, and the 'invoiced value' will appear as $0.00 against the project and in reports.
There are new columns in the report that you can enable - transaction invoice date and transaction write off staff.
How do transactions become written off?
No billing fee type - if the stage has a 'no billing' fee type attached the all transactions are automatically written off once attached.
Status change - when the stage is changed to a 'complete' or 'unsuccessful' status any remaining WIP transactions attached are automatically written off.
Manual user write-off - within the project > transactions tab the project manager can write-off transactions to stop them from being included on an invoice to the client.
Open the project for which you want to write off the WIP transaction.
Select the 'transactions' tab.
Select the row action button against the WIP transaction that you want to write off, and select 'write-off' from the list.
Click the 'write-off' button.
The list will refresh to show that the status of the transaction is 'written off' status, and the 'invoice #' column will display W/OFF for that transaction.
Write off multiple transactions by using the multi-row select WIP Write Off method. View the Project > transactions tab, and check the box next to each of the transaction items that you want to write-off and remove from being available for invoicing.
Open the project for which you want to write off WIP transactions.
Select the 'transactions' tab.
Check the box against each of the transaction rows that you want to write off.
Click the multi-row select options arrow, and select the 'write-off' option.
Click the 'write-off' button.
The list will refresh to show that the status of the transactions is 'written off' status, and the 'invoice #' column will display W/OFF for those transactions.
The write-off multiple lines option can only write off a group of transactions that are all shown on one page.
Change the number of rows show to have more transactions written off in the one action.
Or write off the transactions in a few groups, based on what page they are showing in the transactions tab of the project.
Use the undo write-off feature to return the transactions back to WIP. This allows the transactions to be included on an invoice to the client. This option is not available when the stage has a fee type of 'no billing' or the stage status is 'complete' or 'unsuccessful' as these stage options do not allow for transactions to be in WIP. This option also cannot be used once the transaction is attached to an invoice.
Use the 'undo write-off' option when:
The transaction(s) were written off by mistake.
After a stage status change from 'complete' or 'unsuccessful' status back to a status option that allows invoicing like 'active'.
After a fee type change on a stage from 'no billing' back to a fee type that allows WIP transactions like 'hourly rates' or 'fixed fee'.
Open the project for which you want to restore the transaction back to WIP.
Select the 'transactions' tab.
Select the row action button against the WIP transaction that you want to restore, and select 'undo write-off' from the list.
The list will refresh to show that the status of the transaction is 'WIP', and the transaction can be included on a future invoice to a client.
Open the project for which you want to restore the transactions back to WIP.
Select the 'transactions' tab.
Check the box against each of the transaction rows that you want to restore back to WIP status.
Click the multi-row select options arrow, and select the 'undo write-off' option.
The list will refresh to show that the status of the transactions is 'WIP' status, and the transactions can be included on future invoices to the client.
Tip: Transactions can only be returned to WIP status if the stage 'fee type' allows. e.g. The 'fixed fee' or 'hourly rate' fee type allows WIP status transactions, but the 'no billing' fee type does not allow and transactions to be in WIP.
If overtime has been assigned to the timesheet transaction then check the 'overtime' column to see the details. The overtime column shows the rate 'standard' for all normal timesheet entries and all other types of expense transactions. The overtime column allows you to report on the total number of hours entered as overtime in each overtime group.
Overtime rates are set up by your system administrator, and affect the:
Charge value and cost value
The factor applied for cost and charge for the overtime rate can surcharge the cost and charge for the overtime transactions, to reflect that it cost you more to pay for that type of staff time. Learn more about setting up overtime rates.
In each staff record, the manager selects which overtime rates which staff member can use on the staff > overtime rates tab. Only those items selected in the overtime rates tab will be available for the staff member to use when they enter their timesheets. Learn more about the staff overtime rates tab.
Tip: Overtime rates are a Synergy Business and Enterprise feature. These details cannot be seen in the Synergy Professional product.
Use the list views to alter which columns are shown in the list for the project transactions. Select the word 'default' in the top left corner to see the available views.
The transaction date, stage name, and description are shown in all the views. The other available views alter the other columns in the list:
Default - check the details of the transaction entered in the timesheet or expense function, with the current status of the transaction (e.g. WIP or Invoiced).
WIP - filters to only show transactions at WIP status. Use this view to use the WIP transfer feature to move transactions to a different stage or different project.
Invoiced - for invoiced transactions check the invoice number, and if the rate, units, or value were altered on the invoice.
Written off - for written off transactions check the value that was written off.
Tip: Try applying the status filter for 'invoiced' or 'written-off' before using the matching list views.
When a large number of transactions exist use the search to limit the number of rows shown in the list. Search for a stage name, description (staff name or contact name for bills), rate name, expense type, or task name.
Search by clicking the search button and typing the keyword into the search box. To return to see all items in the list click the clear button in the search bar.
Tip: Learn more about searching with the list search or the global search.
Filter the list by selecting the search button. Select a filter from the drop-down list and click the search button to apply the filter. The filter options are:
Type - Choose what transaction type you want to see in the list. E.g. timesheets, cash or travel expenses entered by staff, office item, and bill expenses, or pre-billing lines created by the invoicing module.
Status - Show only the transactions of a set status. e.g. Only the transactions that are in WIP and can be invoiced. Status options are WIP, written off, draft invoice, and invoiced.
Tip: Return to the default view by choosing the clear button in the search bar.
Columns available
Stage - The name of the stage linked to the transaction.
Date - The date of the timesheet or expense entry. For a pre-bill placeholder, this is the invoice date that the placeholder is linked.
description - Use this column to find all time and expenses entered by a staff member. This column for staff timesheets or expenses (cash and travel) shows the name of the staff member who entered the transaction. For supplier/subcontractor expenses, this shows the name of the contact entered on the expense (invoice/bill). For office items, this always shows the text office. For pre-billing placeholders this cell is blank.
Rate - This shows the rate name that is being used to calculate the 'Charge value' for the transaction. This rate was selected when the timesheet or expense was entered by staff, or when the expense was disbursed against the project.
Task - The task column shows the type of work the staff member was completing for each timesheet entry. Tasks available are defined either system-wide (Settings > Project Lists > Timesheets (project) tasks), or custom tasks for these projects timesheets can be added in the Project > Work breakdown tab. The task column is only populated for timesheet entries and is blank for all-expense entries.
Type - The type of transaction is shown. This can be time for staff timesheets, cash for staff cash expenses, travel for staff travel expenses, office expenses, bills, or pre-billing.
Status - The current status of each transaction is shown. If this is blank, the staff timesheets for that day have not yet been submitted. A transaction in 'WIP' status is ready for invoicing. The status 'Invoiced' shows that the transaction has been attached to a finalized invoice. The 'Written off' status shows that the transaction will not be invoiced to the client, and the value was written off.
Overtime - The name of the overtime rate selected for timesheet entry is shown. Overtime rates are a Synergy Business and enterprise feature only. Overtime rates used can alter the cost and charge values on the transactions to be a different value to when the standard rate is used. Learn more about overtime rates.
Units - For staff timesheet transactions this reflects the number of hours worked. For expenses, this reflects the number of the item purchased that is being claimed or disbursed against the project. For cash expenses this is blank.
Value total (charge value) - The recommended value that the transaction is invoiced to the client. The Charge value is taken from the rate on the transaction line and multiplied by the number of units (hours worked or items purchased).
Expense type -A value is shown for expenses only (not for staff timesheets). The expense type is the category for the expense and can be used to map where the data is sent to in an accounting system when transferred using Synergy Connect.
Note - Click the note symbol to view the transaction note either entered during the timesheet or expense entry. The note can also be edited when invoicing to ensure timesheet notes that are presented to the client are accurate.
WIP value - This column is shown in the WIP view of the transactions tab. This shows the chargeable value for the WIP transactions, which is the rate x # of units for the transaction line. The charge value is the recommended value for the transaction to be invoiced to the client.
Invoiced rate - The rate shown on the invoice to the client. The rate can be changed during the invoice creation process and can be different from the actual rate on the transaction entered by a staff member. e.g. The actual transaction was entered as an 'Engineer' rate but has been invoiced using the 'Senior Engineer' rate. Shown in the 'invoiced' list view.
Invoiced units - The number of units shown on the invoice to the client. The number of units can be marked up / down during the invoicing process, and therefore can be different from the actual transaction units. Shown in the 'invoiced' list view.
Net invoiced value original invoice value less any cancellation credits. The original invoice value is what the transactions were listed as on the invoice to the client. The invoice value for the transaction can be marked up / down during the invoicing process to be different from the suggested charge-out value. The invoice value can also be adjusted in the pre-billing module. Shown in the 'invoiced' list view.
Invoiced (revenue value) - The original invoice value less any cancellation or discount credit notes. This shows the amount the client will actually pay for the work that was completed, as it is adjusted to be the original invoice value less any credit notes.
Markup - This column shows the discount or surcharge value applied to invoiced transactions. This is the recommended charge-out value for the transaction less the Invoiced (revenue value). If the two figures match then an invoice writeup of $0.00 is shown, as the item was invoiced at the recommended value. A discounted transaction on the invoice will have a negative value is shown as the transaction was marked down on the invoice. A positive value is shown means that a surcharge or writeup was applied on the invoiced transaction. As the formula uses 'invoice revenue value' the calculation is the original invoice value less cancellation and discount credit notes. This shows the true value gained or lost when compared to the charge value for each project transaction. Shown in the 'invoiced' list view.
Invoice number - If this is blank then the transaction has not yet been included on any invoices. If attached to an invoice then the invoice number is listed in this field. If the transaction is written off then the text 'W/OFF' is shown. Shown in the 'invoiced' list view.
Tip: Check the 'totals' at the bottom of the time and expenses tab to see the totals for chargeable or invoiced value. Apply filters to the time and expenses tab, and the totals update to show the total value for only the displayed transactions.