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Contact roles
Updated over a week ago

Roles are assigned to contacts to show the category or type of function they will perform within projects. Roles can also be used to add a description when creating expenses (invoice / bills).

Setup required before use

Who can use it?

Where is it?


Assistant system administrator

System administrator

Settings > Contact lists > Roles

What are roles?

Roles are setup to show the type of activity that the external people (contacts) will be assisting you with on projects. One or more roles can be assigned to a contact when it is created, or when the role is assigned to the contact within a project the contact record is updated to include the extra role.

When adding contacts to a project, use the role drop-down to limit the number of contacts shown. Roles are also shown within expenses (invoice / bills) to shorten the contact drop-down, and can be shown in reports. Sample roles are automatically created when setting up an organization.

Why use roles?

Add roles to be assigned to contacts to show what type of work they assist you with on projects.

Actions available

Add a new role for use on contact records by:

  1. Go to: Settings > Contact lists > Roles.

  2. Click the 'Add' button in the top right corner.

  3. Type the 'name' of the role and then save and close.

  4. Repeat for each role required.


When a large number of items exist use the search or filter options to limit the number of rows shown in the list.

Search by clicking the search button and typing the keyword into the search box. To return to seeing all items in the list click the clear button in the search bar.

Tip: Learn more about searching with the list search or the global search.


Filter the list by selecting the search button. See the available filters by clicking the word 'active'. Select a filter from the drop down list and click the search button to apply the filter. The filter options are:

  • Active - the default list filter that shows the items that can be used (seen in drop down lists).

  • Inactive - see the items that can no longer be used, and are only shown when still linked to existing records.

  • All - see both active and inactive items in the list.

Tip: Return to the default view by choosing the clear button in the search bar.

Mark a role as inactive to stop it from being shown in drop down lists. If a role has already been assigned to a contact, then it cannot be deleted. Instead change the role to be inactive to stop it being used in the future by:

  1. Go to Settings > Roles list, and use one of the following methods: Single row - Click the row action button and select 'edit'. Uncheck the 'active' box, and then save and close. Multi row - In the list check the box(es) on the left of the name column, and then click the multi rows action button. Choose 'set as not active' option.

  2. The list refreshes and the items are shown as inactive.


  • A strike-out style is applied to all the rows that are inactive.

  • Use the list filters 'all' or 'inactive' to find the inactive roles.

Roles can only be deleted if they are not attached to any contact records. Delete a role by:

  1. Go to: Settings > Contact lists > Roles and use one of the following methods. Single row - Click the row action button and select 'delete'. Multi row - Select the check box(es) on the left of the row for each item you want to delete, then click the multiple rows action button and choose 'delete'.

  2. Click the 'delete' button on the confirmation pop-up message.

  3. The list refreshes and the item(s) have been deleted.

Tip: If the Role is already in use then it cannot be deleted. Instead change the role to inactive to stop it from appearing in drop down lists or being used in the future.

The name of the role can be updated at any time. Changing the name and will update all existing contacts to display the new role name. Update the name of the role by:

  1. Go to: Settings > Contact lists > Roles.

  2. Click the row for the role that you want to update, or click the action button and select 'edit'.

  3. Type the new name for the role.

  4. Click save and close.

  5. Repeat for each role that requires updating.

Tip: Need to keep the old role 'name' for existing contacts? Then create a new role record instead, and make the existing role inactive. Next assign the new role to the contact records as required.

Sample roles are automatically created when setting up an organization. Delete or make 'inactive' any of these sample roles that are not required. The roles are created automatically are the same for each industry type for a new organization. Examples roles created by the organization industry type:

Roles samples


Architect - Interior Design

Architect - Landscape



Building Designer


Client Representative






Engineer - Civil

Engineer - Electrical

Engineer - Environmental

Engineer - Fire

Engineer - Geo-technical

Engineer - Hydraulic

Engineer - Mechanical

Engineer - Structural



Portfolio Manager

Project Director

Project Leader

Project Manager

Property Manager

QA Assessment

Real Estate Agent

Stage Manager


Columns available

  1. Name The role name that is assigned to contacts to describe their role(s) within the Projects.

  2. Active Active roles are shown in drop-down lists. Change roles that you don't require to inactive to stop them being used in the future.

Tip: Sample roles are included with each organization. Edit the sample role names, or change them to

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