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QBO Connect settings
Updated over 3 years ago

hat are QuickBooks Online Connect settings?

Synergy applies the default settings to QuickBooks Online Connect, for the most commonly used options. The settings tab controls what data is synced to QBO, how invoices and bills will be formatted when exported from Synergy, and what account code mapping is used to sync the data.

What are all the different settings?

General settings - Export from date

The 'Export from date' setting allows you to control how far back in Synergy that Connect checks for data like:

  • Invoices (Synergy invoice date)

  • Credit Notes (Synergy credit note date)

  • Payments (invoice payment date in either Synergy or QuickBooks Online Connect)

  • Bills (Synergy supplier / subcontractor bill expense date)

  • Staff expenses (Synergy transaction date for cash and travel staff expense)

The export date defaults to the first day of the current month when you first open QuickBooks Online Connect. Update the date using the calendar or by typing a new export from date.

At the end of each financial period, this export from date should be updated to be either the end of the year (calendar or financial) or quarter. This ensures that Synergy doesn't try to look up and send data from a locked period. The other advantage to rolling this date forward is that the Connect Preview screen loads quicker. This is important as every time the preview sync screen is loaded it checks each item against QuickBooks Online Connect to see if already exists, and then only the items required to be sent are shown in the preview window.

Contact settings

The following settings are available for contacts:

  1. Automatically shorten the QuickBooks Online contact name when necessaryQuickBooks Online contact name field allows for a maximum length of 50 characters. Synergy allows for more characters for a company or individual contact name. It is recommended that you keep this setting enabled just in case you have a very long contact name entered in Synergy.

  1. Prefix for supplier card id in QuickBooks OnlineIn QuickBooks Online, two types of contacts exist: Supplier and Customer. Supplier contacts are created to be used with bills, and customer contacts are created to be used with invoices. We need to make sure that these contacts have the same name, but different unique id's (card id's) in QBO. This keeps the two contacts in QBO matching back to the one contact in Synergy. To do this we add a prefix in-front of the supplier contact unique id (card id). We recommend using S- to make the unique id 0003 become S-0003 on supplier type contacts. If this prefix already exists on the Synergy contact, then it will not be re-added (e.g. If the contact has a unique ID of S-0006, then the prefix will not be added by Connect. However if the contact has a unique ID of 0006 then the prefix will be added by Connect.). The prefix for supplier card ID is used for both Synergy contacts and staff records that are to be sent to QBO to create a supplier contact.

Invoice settings

Use the invoice settings to control what information will show in the QuickBooks invoice and credit notes. Control different information for the top header section of the invoice, vs what information from Synergy is shown on the lines of the invoice.

QuickBooks Online statement memo

Choose what details will be shown in the 'Journal Memo' field on the QuickBooks invoice. The options available are:

  • None- No details will be sent to QBO for the 'Statement Memo' field on the invoice.

  • Synergy project name- Default option applied. This will send the Synergy project name to show in the 'Journal Memo' field on the QuickBooks invoice.

  • Synergy client reference number- This exports the Synergy client reference number which is entered on the project details tab, to show in the Statement Memo' field on the QuickBooks invoice. This can be sent to Quickbooks, if you prefer to show the special client friendly project name on the invoice. For example the internal project name might be the street address of the site, and the external name might be the client company name.

Note: This option does not apply to credit notes. Credit notes will always show the original invoice number that the credit note is linked to in the journal memo field in QuickBooks. This allows the user to know which QuickBooks invoice to link the credit note to after the sync has been run.

Invoice line settings

Filter Synergy invoices

You can select which group of invoices are sent to QBO by using filters. Filters are available for office, invoice and credit note prefixes.

For example if you tick 'SYD', all your invoices from your 'Sydney' office location will appear in the Preview for import to Connect.

Note: At this stage, filtering is only available on invoices on Connect. Office expenses and bills are not filtered.

Setup this filter by:

  1. Select the 'Filter synergy invoices' option

  2. If you want to include specific invoice prefixes, project prefixes or an invoice office, check them in the relevant dialog.

  3. Each box you tick will be includedin the sync to QBO.

  4. Save the settings tab.

Tip: All the unchecked prefix settings options are not sent to QBO.

QuickBooks Online service item source

In QuickBooks 'jobs' are entered on each row of an invoice or credit note. Use this setting to control what will be used to create the job for each invoice stage line shown on the QuickBooks invoice. The required new QuickBooks job items (that are not already in QuickBooks) are created by Connect as part of the sync. QuickBooks jobs can be found in QuickBooks > Edit menu > Jobs. The job source options are:

  • Synergy project number- Most Common -This will transfer the project number to the QBO 'project number' field, and the project name will appear as the 'job description' within QBO project list. Use this option to create the jobs in QBO for each project number. This allows you to be able to reporting by project number in QBO for invoice sale revenue. The job is shown on invoices and credit notes created by the QBO Connect interface.

  • Discipline- This will transfer the 'discipline code' entered against the discipline in Synergy to be the QuickBooks 'job number', and the 'discipline description' appears as the 'job name' for the QuickBooks job. On the invoice the discipline code in Synergy will be shown as the 'job', and the description will show as the stage name. This applies or both invoices and credit notes created by the QuickBooks interface.

  • Cost center- This will transfer the 'cost center code' entered against the cost center in Synergy to be the QuickBooks 'job code'. The cost center description will appear as the 'job name' for the item in QuickBooks jobs list. On the invoice the stage name is shown as the description, and the cost center code in Synergy will be shown as the 'job' on the invoice and credit notes created by the QuickBooks Connect interface.

Tip: The job description does not get displayed on the invoice / credit note. The project stage name from the invoice / credit will be shown in that field on the invoice in QuickBooks.

QuickBooks Online account code mapping

The Account Code is used to define which 'income account' the invoice / credit notes will be transferred into within QuickBooks. Most QuickBooks company files have an 'income account' with the account code of 4-1000 for example. You may have setup multiple extra revenue accounts in QuickBooks to track different revenue streams for different office locations or types of business. Synergy can map to accounts that 'detail accounts' in QuickBooks. Transfer of data into 'header' type QuickBooks accounts is not supported.

Use the account code mapping options to sync the Synergy invoice revenue into the matching sales income account streams in QuickBooks. Account code mapping options available are:

  • Fixed QuickBooks Online account- All Synergy invoices and credit notes will be synced to the one fixed QuickBooks Online account. Select this account from the drop down list. This is the default option to be applied, and it will default to the account #4-1000.

  • Synergy discipline- Select this option and the invoices and credits are sent to the 'account code' listed on the discipline. The discipline is attached to each invoice stage line, which allows for the different stages on the one invoice to all appear in different sales income accounts in QuickBooks.

  • Synergy cost center- Select this option and the invoices and credits are sent to the 'account code' listed on the cost center. The cost center is attached to each invoice stage line, which allows for the different stages on the one invoice to all appear in different sales income accounts in QuickBooks.


  • See which accounts exist within QuickBooks > Accounts > Accounts list > Income tab.

  • Synergy can only transfer data into 'detail' type accounts in QuickBooks. Transferring to 'header' type accounts is not supported.

  • Learn more about how account code mapping works.

Payment settings

Import or export payments

Use Quick Books Online to sync the invoice payment details to avoid having to enter the same data in both Synergy and QuickBooks. Payment options are:

  1. Import- Import payments entered in QuickBooks Online to Synergy. Use this when the Finance team is entering all the invoice payments in QuickBooks, and you want to be able to see the matching payments against the invoices in Synergy. Most commonly used option.

  2. Export- Export payments entered in Synergy to QuickBooks. Use this when the Administration team are entering the invoice payments in Synergy, as they don't have access to QuickBooks.

  3. Both– When both options are enabled both options to be used in the one QuickBooks Connect run. This can be useful if one Administration user is entering payment details in Synergy, and another user in the Finance team is entering payments in QuickBooks.

Tip: QuickBooks payments for expenses (creditors) and payroll payments are not synced between Synergy and QuickBooks.

Import and export payment type mapping

Map each of the payment types within Synergy to a bank account within QBO. A different bank account can be chosen for each payment type used in Synergy, to allow you to send different types of revenue to different bank accounts in QuickBooks. These mapping options are shown only when payments are exported from Synergy to QuickBooks using the specific QuickBooks account option.

The Synergy payment types are setup in Organization > Settings > Project lists > Payment types. Each active payment type is shown in this panel. Assign a QuickBooks bank account to all the payment types shown in the list before running Connect.

This payment drop down list is generated by your QuickBooks database. The QuickBooks account column shows all accounts within QuickBooks Accounts > Accounts list feature, which are a asset account setup as the type 'bank' account.

Bill settings

Control how the supplier or subcontractor bill details will be transferred from Synergy to QuickBooks. Before a bill can be exported to QuickBooks it must be:

  • Locked

  • Checked to be 'exported to Connect'

If either of the above it not true then the bill will not exported to QuickBooks, and will remain in Synergy only.

Use the bill settings to control what details are sent to QuickBooks, the account mapping, and the appearance of the QuickBooks bill.

Settings for exporting bills

Check the option for exporting bills and the other options below are shown. This option should be checked if you want to export Synergy bills (supplier and subcontractor expenses) from Synergy to QuickBooks. If this option is unchecked the other bill header and line settings below are hidden as you are not sending bills to QuickBooks.

When exporting bills to QuickBooks we provide you with default settings for the most commonly used options. Update these header and line settings as required.

Bill header settings

Bill note

If this option is checked then the text entered into the 'notes' field of the bill will be exported to QuickBooks. The note will be added into the QuickBooks bill as a $0 line, which then allows you to see the entire string of note text from within the QuickBooks bill.

If this option is unchecked then the bill note is not exported to QuickBooks. This option is enabled by default.

Paid status

Filter bills

Bill line settings

QuickBooks Online service item source

Use this setting to control what will be used to create the job for each line within the bill. The required new QuickBooks jobs are created by Connect as part of the sync. QuickBooks jobs can be found in QuickBooks > Lists > Jobs.

The job options are:

  • None- No job will be sent to QuickBooks. The 'job' field will be blank on the bills created by Synergy within QuickBooks.

  • Expense type- Most Common -This will transfer the expense type name to be the QuickBooks 'job name' and the code will be the 'job number'. The expense type is entered against each line of the Synergy bill.

  • Discipline- This will transfer the 'discipline code' entered against the discipline in Synergy to be the QuickBooks 'job number', and the 'discipline description' appears as the 'job name' for the QuickBooks job. The discipline is entered in the header section of the bill in synergy, and the same item will be applied as the job in QuickBooks for each of the lines in that bill.

  • Cost center- This will transfer the 'cost center code' entered against the cost center in Synergy to be the QuickBooks 'job number'. The cost center description will appear as the 'job name' for the item in QuickBooks jobs list. The cost center is entered in the header section of the bill in synergy, and the same item will be applied as the job in QuickBooks for each of the lines in the bill.

QuickBooks account code mapping

The account code is used to define which 'expense account' the bills will be transferred into within QuickBooks. For example the demo QuickBooks company file has an expense account 'Supplies' with the account code of 6-1120. You may have setup multiple extra cost of sales or expense accounts in QuickBooks, to track different expense types or to track different types of business.

Use the account code mapping options to sync the Synergy expenses into the matching expense account in QuickBooks. Account code mapping options available are:

  • Fixed QBO account- All Synergy bills will be synced to the one fixed QuickBooks Online Connect account. Select this account from the drop down list. This is the default option to be applied, and it will default to the account #5-1000 "Cost of Sales'.

  • Synergy expense type- Select this option and the bills are sent to the 'account code' listed on the Synergy expense type. The expense type is attached to each bill line in Synergy, which allows for the different lines in the one bill to all appear linked to different expense accounts in QuickBooks.


  • See which accounts exist within QuickBooks > Accounts > Accounts List > Cost of sales or expenses tabs.

  • Learn more about how account code mapping works.

QuickBooks Online line description

Use this setting to select what text is shown on each of the bill lines in QuickBooks. The QuickBooks line description can be set to:

  1. Synergy bill line description- this is the text entered on the bill line. Default option applied. This makes the QuickBooks bill look the same as the Synergy bill.

  2. Synergy expense type- the name of the expense type on the Synergy bill line will be used to create the QuickBooks bill line description.

Staff expense settings

You can export staff entered cash and travel expenses into QuickBooks using Connect.

Synergy will send staff expenses to QuickBooks. QuickBooks bill will create so that the staff member can be reimbursed for their out of pocket expenses. The staff members must have a unique ID number assigned before they can have their expenses exported to QuickBooks.

Use the staff expense settings to control what details are sent to QuickBooks, the account mapping, and the appearance of the QuickBooks bill.

Export staff expenses from Synergy to QuickBooks online

Check the option for exporting staff expenses and the other options below are shown. This option should be checked if you want to export Synergy staff expenses (cash and travel expenses) from Synergy to QuickBooks. If this option is unchecked the other staff expense settings are hidden as you are not sending staff expenses to QuickBooks.

When exporting staff expenses to QuickBooks we provide you with default settings for the most commonly used options. Update these settings as required.

Staff expense note

If this option is checked then the 'note' entered against the staff cash or travel expense is sent to QuickBooks. It will be added to the QuickBooks bill as a $0 line, to allow you to read all the text for this expense from Synergy. If this item is unchecked then the staff expense note is not sent to QuickBooks. This is checked by default.

QuickBooks Online account code mapping

The account code is used to define which 'expense account' the bills will be transferred into within QuickBooks. Use the account code mapping options to sync the Synergy expenses into the matching expense account in QuickBooks. Account code mapping options available are:

  • Fixed QBO account - All Synergy bills will be synced to the one fixed QuickBooks Online Connect account. Select this account from the drop down list. This is the default option to be applied, and it will default to the account #5-1000 "Cost of Sales'.

  • Synergy expense type- Select this option and the Synergy staff expenses are sent to the 'account code' listed on the Synergy expense type. The expense type is attached to each staff cash or travel expense entered in Synergy, which allows of the staff expenses to be entered with different expense types on the same days expense claim in Synergy. These expenses can then be matched to the QuickBooks categories using the account codes.


  • See which accounts exist within QuickBooks > Accounts > Accounts List > Cost of sales or Expenses tabs.

  • Learn more about how account code mapping works.

QuickBooks line description

Select what details will be shown on the QuickBooks bill line for each of the Synergy staff expenses transferred. The options available are:

  1. Synergy project, stage, rate and expense type (default)- the details from the staff cash or travel expense are sent. This is the project name, stage name, rate name, and expense type name entered against that Synergy staff expense. Using this options gets the full expense details from Synergy into QuickBooks.

  2. Synergy project and stage- send the project name and stage name entered on the staff expense in Synergy to the line details in the QuickBooks bill. Use this if a summary of the expense details are needed in QuickBooks.

  3. Synergy rate and expense type- send the rate name and the expense type name on the staff expense in Synergy to be the line detail in the QuickBooks bill. Use this option if you want a summary of the expense in QuickBooks that doesn't show the project name.

  4. Synergy expense type- send the expense type name entered on the staff expense in Synergy to be the line details in the QuickBooks bill. Use this option if you don't want the Synergy project or rate details to be shown in QuickBooks.

  5. Synergy expense note- send the note entered against the staff expense in Synergy to be the line details in the QuickBooks bill. When you use this option you normally disable the 'staff expense note' setting, as otherwise you get the staff expense note twice in the QuickBooks bill.

Tax settings

Map the tax rates within Synergy to the matching tax rate in QuickBooks. The invoice tax is used for invoices and credit notes transferred to QuickBooks, and the expense tax is used for staff and supplier bill expenses transferred to Xero. For example match the Synergy 'Tax Free' tax rule to the Xero 'No GST' tax code. The same mapping is required for the expenses, used when sending supplier bills and staff cash and travel expenses to QuickBooks.

Tax codes in Synergy are setup in the feature: Organization > Settings > Financial > Tax codes. Synergy creates the default tax codes for your region, but additional tax codes can be added in this feature if required. Synergy defaults the tax codes expected to be used into the Connect settings for the standard tax codes, but any additional tax codes that you have added will need the mapping to Xero setup manually.

In the below example you can see that Synergy has two tax codes, tax applicable for a 10% GST / VAT, and tax free. These tax codes are mapped to the matching item in the Xero company file for both invoices and expenses.

Tip: All QuickBooks tax rates setup in QuickBooks within the Lists menu > Tax codes feature are shown in the Synergy Connect tax code drop down list.

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