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Bulk Approving Timesheets

How do I bulk approve timesheets?

Updated this week

Edition: Professional, Business, Enterprise

User-level: Project manager, Director, Assistant Administrator, System Administrator

To approve large quantities of timesheets or transactions, use the Transactions List. You can view and filter pending approvals by project, stage, and date range to ensure accuracy.

  1. Organisation menu > projects

  2. Open the proejct you need to approve transactions on

  3. Project menu > Financials > Transactions

  4. Change the drop-down in the top right to 'WIP'

  5. Open the filters (magnifying glass) and change All WIP to 'unapproved WIP'

  6. Select (tick) all the transactions you want to bulk approve.

  7. Click on the bulk menu triple vertical dot top menu and select 'Approve WIP'.

Bulk approving timesheets at a project level helps to make approvals faster and less administrative.

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