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Task Comments

Adding, viewing and editing task comments

Updated yesterday

Edition: Professional, Business, Enterprise

User-level: All user levels

Each task row in the Work Breakdown allows comments to be added, helping track updates and progress. Comments are especially useful when multiple team members are assigned to a task, enabling them to keep each other informed on progress and key details.

How to add a comment to a task

  1. Go to the project work breakdown.

  2. Find the task you'd like to leave a comment on.

  3. Click on the little speech bubble (as shown in the photo above.

  4. Write your comment in 'Type a comment' field and press enter to save.

Viewing task comments

  1. Go to the project work breakdown.

  2. Find the task you'd like to view the comments of.

  3. Click on the speech to view all the comments on the task.

Delete a task comment

  1. Go to the project work breakdown.

  2. Find the task you'd like to edit one of your own comments

  3. Select the speech bubble to open comments

  4. Click on the x to remove the comment.


  • You can only delete the comments you have written and not other comments left by other staff members.

  • The number of comments left on a task will appear next to the speech bubble on the task.

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