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Milestone Report Overview

How to get an overview of all milestones on a project

Updated this week

Edition: Enterprise

User-level: Assistant Project Manager and above

What is the milestone reports page?

The milestone report screen can be used to get an overview of all milestones against a specific stage, when they're due, and whether they're overdue, or have been completed

Where to find the milestones report?

  1. Organisation menu > Proejcts

  2. Project menu > Plan > Milestone report.

Columns on the milestones report

  • Stage Name: The stage associated with the milestone.

  • Planned: The milestone's due date as set in the Project Schedule.

  • Actual: Displays the number of days until the due date. If overdue, it appears in red; if completed, it shows the completion date.

If a milestone is overdue, it shows in red

If a milestone is complete it populates with the completion date

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