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Synergy Release - 20 March 2023

Check out what's been released in Synergy for March

Updated this week

We’re always working hard to deliver the tools you need to drive your company’s success. This month, we’re excited to be introducing more tools to give you greater control over both your project data and your financial workflows, with Synergy Analytics Plus and Invoice Approvals.

Here’s a look at what’s new this month:

Invoice Approvals

We’ve introduced a new invoice approval workflow which will enable you to better collaborate with your team across the invoicing process and give you checking mechanism directly inside the software so everything can be reviewed before invoices are sent out to your clients.
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Synergy Analytics Plus

We’ve introduced a new add-on to help enhance your Business Intelligence and give you actionable insights into your projects so you can make better, more confident decisions for your business.
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UI Changes - Invoice Audits

We’ve made some changes to the User Interface of Synergy’s Invoice page, which has meant that the Invoice Audit button named 'Audit Log' has been re-homed.


We’ve implemented a variety of fixes to help improve the way Synergy works.
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Introducing Invoice Approvals

We’ve been listening to your feedback on our invoicing capabilities and are excited to introduce a new invoice approval workflow. This new feature will enable you to better collaborate with your team across the invoicing process, giving you greater oversight and a checking mechanism directly inside the software so everything can be reviewed before invoices are sent out to your clients.

From a Draft Invoice, you can now add an approval, and assign one or multiple people to approve – whether that’s a project manager, discipline manager, or anyone else who needs to review the details on an invoice before it is sent.

You can also choose to make the approval required, so that it can’t be finalised and sent until approval is given; or to make it optional, so that someone is notified about the invoice but doesn’t have to sign off for it to go out. For example, as a Project Manager you may wish to simply be kept up to date with an invoice being prepared and sent.

To keep track of your invoices as they continue through the approval process, they can be assigned one of three Invoice Resolutions - Pending, Approved, or Rejected. When an approval is created, the invoice will automatically be in a Pending status.

The assigned Approver will receive a notification either in-app, via email, or via a Daily Summary – depending on which notification settings are already set up for your company. Then, all they need to do is review the invoice and update the Resolution as needed.

To help when you’re looking for specific invoices, there are two search filters that have been added to Synergy’s Invoice pages, where you can search by the Approver and the Approval Status. There are also a range of new invoice reports so you can report on current pending Approvals, including Approvals by Office, Project Manager, and Approver; as well as all Approvals by date and current rejected Approvals.

Learn more about Invoice Approvals here

Introducing Synergy Analytics Plus -
Business Intelligence made easy

Business Intelligence or BI is the way an organisation harnesses their data to uncover insights that they can act upon to drive business success.

We’re now empowering leaders to enhance your BI with Synergy Analytics Plus – our newest add-on that presents a range of curated analytics dashboards that connect your data from across your projects and business and presents it visually for easy, centralised analysis.

Synergy Analytics Plus enhances and builds upon the standard Analytics Dashboards we introduced last year, by offering a host of new, detailed dashboards with insights across five key operational functions: Business, Finance, Sales, Projects, and People.

With this add-on, leaders will gain a deeper understanding of your data with actionable insights that inform better, data-driven decisions. Delve into your data to uncover trends, patterns, and performance results that you can use to take your projects to the next level, drive organisational efficiency, and ensure profitability.

Analyse and compare your wins and losses, so you can make more informed decisions about what future actions to take. Gain a deeper understanding of staff utilisation across individuals, teams, and offices, and where you can better allocate resources to drive efficiency. Track where your revenue is coming from and how it is comprised across your projects and better understand your profitability.

Whatever you’re trying to achieve, you’ll be able to find the answers in your own data, curated to deliver insights that empower you to have greater control.

We’re excited to have worked with ByltInsyte who are experts in data and analytics for built environment firms, to develop this exciting solution which also leverages Microsoft’s leading Power BI technology.

Learn more about Synergy Analytics Plus here.

Synergy Analytics Plus Free Trial

Synergy Analytics Plus is available for a free trial until 30 April, 2023. Get in touch to learn more or book a demo.

UI Changes - Invoice Audits

We’ve made some changes to the User Interface of Synergy’s Invoice page. This is the first of a number of changes coming to Synergy in future.

The Invoice Audit, previously a button named ‘Audit Log’, has been re-homed and updated to an Audit icon, which can be found on the right-hand side slide out pane; which is where you can also find Invoice Approvals.

Additionally, we’ve made enhancements to the audit, which now includes a trail for creating an invoice, as well as for creating, deleting, and editing an approval.

Fixes and Improvements

  • We’ve introduced new audit capabilities, so you can track and review the actions surrounding an invoice.

  • Fixed an issue where editing from the Invoice List wasn’t working for some Project Managers.

  • Fixed an issue where sometimes values in the Markup column for Transaction reports were only showing as $0.

  • Fixed a rare issue for customers integrating with Xero, where some foreign currency invoices weren’t showing as paid because of the different conversion factors.

  • Fixed an issue where selecting Clear Date from the WBS wasn’t actually clearing the date.

  • Fixed an issue where sometimes time captured in the Timesheet wasn’t being rounded up to 15 minutes, when using the Round to 15 setting.

Download the Release Notes

For a complete list of technical changes download the Release Notes.

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