Edition: Professional, Business, Enterprise
User-level: System administrator
How to configure the connection between Synergy and Sage 50
In Synergy
Go to organisation menu > Connect to accounting > sage 50 connect
Select 'Download' the installer, as seen below:
On your computer
Press 'More Info' and then 'Run anyway' on the below error
Press 'Next' Until you get to the Select Installation folder screen as seen below. It is crucial that you copy the folder path. This is needed later on in the configuration process.
Allow this app to make changes to your device
Once installed, close the installer
In Sage
Create a Synergy user in Sage
Open up your company and log in to Sage
Go to settings > User management > Users
Add an additional user by selecting 'New'. Ensure this user has an access level of 'Administrator'.
On your computer
In the command prompt enter the below
cd *insert the pathway copied earlier* (press enter)
After the pathway paste: Synergy5.Connect.OnPremise.exe Configure (Insert the version of sage you're using e.g. version 28)
For example:
This will bring up the below Sage Configuration box, ensure that all of the fields are filled out correctly:
Insert Sage Installation location: You can find your Sage Installation location here
Insert security key from Synergy cloud: You can copy your security key from Synergy
Go to Organisation menu > Connect to accounting > Sage 50 Connect
Select 'Click to add new configuration' > Add new
Enter a configuration name into the text box
Select 'Copy security key to clipboard' and paste this into the 'insert security key from Synergy cloud' text box
Insert a Sage User name (dedicated to synergy): The Username for your Synergy User
Insert Sage password: The password you created for your Synergy User
When you have filled out the 4 configuration text boxes, press OK.
On the 'Company selection' screen, select the appropriate company and press Open
Install the Service.
At the end of the Command Prompt type 'Synergy5.Connect.Onpremise install' as seen below
Press Enter and then exit the Command Prompt
On your computer
In Synergy:
Open up Sage 50 Connect (organisation menu > connect to accounting > Sage 50)
Select 'COnnect to Sage'
Once you are connected to Sage, you will be prompted to map your settings.
Paste the installer location somewhere safe for later, its crucial to the configuration!