Create a staff record for each person that you want to be able to log in to Synergy and view your organisation details. A login is required before the user can:
Enter timesheets
Create projects
Update contacts
Control what each staff member has access to use inside your Synergy application by assigning a security access level. Read more about staff security access levels here.
Create a new staff member
Type the first and last names
Set the security level
Type the email address
Staff details
The email address is important as the new staff member will be emailed an invitation to join your Synergy organisation. After they log in, each staff member you invite can update their own general staff details.
Email address(es)
Job title
Street or postal address(es)
Phone numbers
Profile picture
Note: Certain staff detail fields such as 'Street address' are placed in the personal details section and will not be shown in the staff details.
The personal details page is accessible by staff with director-level access and above.
Tip: Staff can only edit the 'security level' if they have Administrator access.
Next steps
Calendar - Find out more
Costs - Find out more
Rates - Find out more