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Project List

Everything you need to know about the project list page

Updated over a week ago

Use the project list to find an existing project, add new projects, or search for projects. Use the views to alter the columns of project information shown in the list.

Setup required before use

Who can use it?

Where is it?

Custom project numbers

Work breakdown templates



Assistant project manager*

Project manager

Director access

Assistant administrator

System administrator

*Can view projects only.

Project Manager level or higher required to add new projects.


What is the project list?

The project list shows all projects in Synergy for your organization. Projects are created to store information about a job that is being proposed or that has been won, and to keep all the related information and documentation in one central location.

Use projects list to open an existing project and:

  • Update general details like site address or project manager.

  • Add extra people to the project contacts tab to add them into the project team so they can use the project portal.

  • Save or create new documents for the project.

  • Add phases and stages to the project to describe the work to be completed, and assign a billing method to each stage.

  • Enter the tasks for each stage, and assign the staff to work on the task and a due date.

  • Compare revenue budget targets against the actual chargeable and invoice values.

Why use the project list?

Manage all the project information in one central location, allowing you to track project costs, enter project budgets, report on project profitability, and manage the project invoices.

You can also use the project list as an early warning system to see any projects in distress. The star rating shows you the projects that are performing well and those

that could use some closer monitoring.

Actions available

Click the 'add' button in the top right corner to start creating a new project. Read a process overview of how to create a new proposal project in Synergy.

Basic steps to create a new project are:

  1. Go to: Project List.

  2. Click the 'add' button in the top right corner.

  3. Type a project 'name' to describe the project works.

  4. (Optional) Choose the 'project type' to describe the portfolio type for the project.

  5. (Optional) Type a scope of works to describe what tasks are to be completed or quoted for the entire project.

  6. Enter the project 'fee' value. This is the total value that will appear on the proposal or invoice for this new project.

  7. (Optional) The project manager will default to the logged-in user. If you are not the 'manager' of the project then click the 'X' next to your name and select an alternate staff member from the list. Only people with project manager access level or higher can be set as a 'manager' of a project.

  8. (Optional) Choose who the primary contact is for the project. They will be sent proposal or invoice documents by default.

  9. (Optional) Enter the project site address to display on project documents.

  10. Save.


  • Projects can only be created by users with Project Manager access level or higher.

  • Create non-billable projects to track internal office tasks without having to set up any project fees.

Two types of projects are available in Synergy, billable and non-billable projects. The main difference between the two types of projects is that one allows invoicing to external contacts to the organization, and the non-billable projects do not allow any invoicing to be completed.

Non-billable projects were added to Synergy to let you track time spent on internal projects or internal tasks, without impacting any of the revenue reporting for the billable projects.

In project list you can locate the non-billable projects by looking for the row with the blue tower symbol shown like this:

On the project details tab you can also see the non-billable image in the left panel.

Click on the project row in the list you want to update, and then select the edit button in the top right corner. Learn more about updating the project's general details.

Tip: Only users with Project Manager access level or higher can create projects.

Click the project navigation to display the menu:

  1. Details - view the general project details like scope of works and site address.

  2. Portal feed – takes you to the project portal where documents and correspondence are stored.

  3. Project contacts - view or add contacts or internal staff to the project team.

  4. Plan Work breakdown - view the phases and stages that make up the project, and the linked stage level defined fees. Budget Schedule Performance Budget vs actuals

  5. Financials Rates - You will not see this option in a non-billable project. Invoices – you will not see this option if it is a non-billable project. Check what invoices and credit notes exist for the project, and which invoices remain unpaid. Transactions - see any transactions linked to the project e.g. staff timesheet, staff expenses, supplier bills, and office item expenses. Project financials - check what invoices and credit notes exist for the project, and which invoices remain unpaid.

  6. Documents - see what files, documents, emails have been saved to the project folders.

  7. Document library - see what files, documents, emails have been saved to the project folders.

  8. Images - view any images saved in the project folders in a gallery style view.

  9. Transmittals - log any official requests for information (RFI's) and any formal communication details that are sent out to the project team.

  10. Notes - see any notes that staff have added about the project phone calls, client meetings etc.

  11. Audit - a complete audit history is available to see what information was changed on the project, by who and when.

Delete a project

You can only delete a project if it is at proposal status, and when no items or transactions are linked to the project. e.g. there cannot be any timesheets, expenses, invoices or bills.

Refer to this page for steps to take before deleting a project:


When a large number of projects exist then use the search to quickly find the projects you are working on the list. The search will look for your entered keyword in the following fields:

  • Project Name

  • Project number

  • Project manager name

  • Primary contact company name

  • primary contact personnel name

To search for a project:

  1. Click the search button

  2. Type a keyword into the search box and click enter to run the search.

  3. The list is updated to show projects that match the keyword.

  4. To return to see all items in the list click the clear button in the search bar.

Tip: Learn more about searching with the global search.


Filter the list by selecting the search button. The filter options are:

  • Tags - type part of a tag name into this field, and a list of similar tags will be shown. Select a tag from the list, and click search to apply a filter to see all the projects with that tag applied.

  • Manager - select a project manager from the list to only see projects that they manage.

  • Project status types - select a project status from the list, to limit the list to only show projects at that status. The default filter applied here is 'proposal and active' which shows all the projects at any proposal or active status (including all the custom status options).

  • Billable - choose if you are viewing billable projects with fees, or non-billable projects for internal office tasks.

  • Archive

  • Custom field

Tip: Return to the default view by choosing the clear button in the search bar.

Columns available

Columns shown in the project list vary based on the view selected, and if you have opened the list from a desktop PC, tablet, or cell phone. The bigger the screen width on your device the more columns are visible.

Columns in project list

  1. Number - The unique project number (including any prefix) is shown. Learn more about project numbering options for new projects. The project number column is shown in all views.

  2. Name - The name for the project entered to describe the project works. This column is shown in all views.

  3. Primary contact - The contact marked as the primary contact on the project contacts page. This is the main person to contact at the client contact about project queries. This column is shown only in the default view.

  4. Start date - The start date is an optional field entered on each project to show the expected start date for the project work. This column is shown only in the default view.

  5. End date - The end date is an optional field entered on each project to show the expected end date for the project work. This column is shown only in the default view.

  6. Type - The project type or portfolio selected when creating the project is shown. This column is shown in the default view.

  7. Project manager - The internal staff member that was selected as the project manager is shown. This column is shown in the default view.

  8. Status - The current status assigned to the project is shown in the default view. Learn more about the project status options.

  9. Star rating - This is Synergy’s own calculations and shows you the overall health of your project.
    The Synergy project performance star rating factors in three performance metrics for your project — your invoicing and the values of your schedule performance index and charge performance index. We then developed a four-point scaling system that penalizes criteria in the critical zone. For example, if you are behind in your invoicing, that will have a big impact on your rating. Watch the walkthrough video to learn more. The star rating calculation will not include your WIP 0-30 days (or customized date, if applicable).

  10. Site Address - Use the 'address' view to see the following details from the project site address entered on the project details tab. Columns are: Address line 1, Address line 2, Suburb/town, State, Postcode, Country.

  11. Tags - Use the 'tags' view to see any extra details stored against each project as a tag. Click on the tag to add it as a filter option, to find all the other projects with the same tag applied.

  12. Fee/cap - The fee or cap value for all the project stages. This is the sum of the fee values entered against project stages entered in the work breakdown. The fee value is shown for all project status options. This is calculated for each fee type differently. For fixed fee, percent of project, and capped rates this is the fee value or capped value entered in the work breakdown. For hourly rates stages this is the sum of the WIP transactions for the stage plus the total value invoiced for the stage.

  13. Agreed fee/cap - The agreed fee or capped value is shown for a project once the project is at active status or higher (not shown at proposal status or unsuccessful status). This is the agreed fee or capped value agreed to by the client at the project sign-off. The agreed fee/cap is the fee values entered against project stages with fee types of fixed fee or percent of project, for capped rates fee type stage this is the capped value entered for the stage, and for hourly rate fee type stages this is the total value invoiced for the stage plus any chargeable WIP.

  14. Net invoiced (ex tax) - The total value invoiced to date for the project excluding tax. This is the sum the original invoiced value for this project, less any cancel credit notes.

  15. Residual - The outstanding value that can be invoiced for the project. The residual is the 'agreed fee/cap' less the 'net invoiced ex tax' value. This value is not shown for proposal or unsuccessful status projects, as they do not have an agreed fee/cap value. The net invoiced value used in this calculation is the original invoice value less any cancel credit notes.

  16. WIP value - The total chargeable value of the transactions that are at WIP or Draft invoice status. This is the total of all the timesheets and expenses attached to this project, and the possible or recommended value at which the transactions can be charged out at on invoices.

  17. Total charge - The sum of the chargeable value from the transactions (timesheets and expenses) attached to the project. This is the total of all transactions at the possible or recommended charge value, not the adjusted value that the transactions were invoiced at. This includes transactions of all status types.

  18. Net residual - This is the agreed fee/cap less the net invoiced value less the WIP value. This value is not shown for proposal or unsuccessful status projects, as they do not have an agreed fee/cap value. The net invoiced value used in this calculation is the original invoice value less any cancel credit notes.

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