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Stage management
Updated over a week ago

We’ve designed Stage Management for our Enterprise customers to manage their daily operations within Synergy more efficiently, to have more time for design.

Once you’re in a project, simply navigate to Plan, in order to access this new feature in Synergy.

Stage management can perform the following tasks:

  • Create new stages

  • View and filter stages and phases

  • View fee, net invoiced and WIP

  • Duplicate phases and stages

  • Change stage statuses

  • Shortcuts to transactions and financial screens

  • Directly invoice a stage

This article will cover:

How do I add stages in Stage management?

Click on the ‘Add stage’ button to add a stage. This will open the ‘Add stage’ modal where you will be able to enter stage scope and details.

We’ve kept this modal concise with the most used input fields including:

  • Stage name

  • Phase

  • Status

  • Manager

  • Discipline

  • Cost center

  • Rate group

  • Fee Type

  • Tax rule

  • Fee

  • Client reference number

  • Scope

For custom fields and full stage detail inputs, please use the Work breakdown.

Can I delete a stage in Stage management?

You can delete stages by hovering over the stage and clicking on the '...' on the right-hand side. A 'delete stage' option will appear in that dropdown menu.

NOTE: A stage can only be deleted if it has a status of Proposal and has no transactions, invoices or budget lines against it.

Can I create new phases in Stage management?

You can add new phases by clicking on the 'Add' button on the screen and edit the phase by clicking directly on the phase name.

When a new phase is created it will not appear in the list until a stage has been added underneath it.

Why can’t I see all the columns in Stage management?

This is most likely due to your screen resolution or size. We have implemented a horizontal scroll bar that you can use to scroll across all columns.

You can reorder your columns by drag and dropping them in a custom order to personalize your view in Stage management.

How can I duplicate a phase and/or stage?

In Stage management, simply hover over the phase or stage you wish to duplicate and select the ellipsis action icon. This icon will be located on the last column, which may be hidden if you are viewing Synergy on a smaller screen.

You can also right-click on the phase or stage you wish to duplicate to reveal the actions menu.

Phase actions menu

Stage actions menu

Simply select 'Duplicate a phase' to copy a phase and all of its stage information or ‘Duplicate stage’ to copy a specific stage.

Please note that duplicating a phase or stage will only duplicate stage details visible in the modal, and will not duplicate the budget, resourcing or anything else. This is because the feature was designed to allow you to create new stages more efficiently.

How do I use the financials and transactions shortcuts?

Right-click on a stage or select the ellipsis actions icon to use the financials or transactions shortcuts. These shortcuts were designed to take you to the:

  • Transactions screen - filtered to the stage you were on in Stage management

  • Project financials screen - filtered to the stage you were on in Stage management and WIP.

These shortcuts were designed to allow you to navigate through Synergy without losing the context of the stage you are assessing.

Why can I no longer resize the column widths in Stage management?

Unfortunately, we had to temporarily disable column resizing due to a bug we’re experiencing with the stock table component. We’re in the process of investigating this with the component provider.

How can I invoice a stage in Stage management?

Right-click on a stage or select the ellipsis actions menu, then select ‘invoice stage’. This will automatically take you to the draft invoice screen where you will be able to invoice your WIP.

Can I amend who can access Stage management?

We’ve added Stage management to the Security matrix so you’re able to revoke access at a role level.

To navigate to the Security matrix, select the Organization menu > Settings > Organization > Security Matrix.

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